I thought I would take an opportunity to show the newsletter I sent out to customers.

I did forget to mention the Scots Grey ensign is at Griffin getting cast!
First can I thank you all for your continued support. This has been Crann Tara's best year to date. We are still at the bottom end of the small business league but it has given me some positive motivation.

So I didn't quite get to finish all the pieces for the Jacobite rebellion but we are getting very close now and without doubt the range will be effectively completed next year, although I can't deny I will no doubt continue to add pieces from time to time.

So what does 2017 hold? Currently at Griffin are the conversions for the British Infantry gunners, a British Fusilier at ready, Savoia Grenadier marching and a generic marching figure, who I intend to use for my Dutch. There's also the start of the highland cavalry and the first few of the Navy Landing party.

Richard is currently sculpting French artillery and early French Hussars (mounted and on foot) and the British Horse- hopefully these shall start to be available around February.
From there the main project will be the early Saxon army, hopefully the first releases around June will be Infantry, Grenadiers, artillery and Cuirassiers and we should see the army complete by year end together with more French piece and British and French Colonels.

People have asked about running a 'kickstarter' for this project and to be honest I don't know what the interest would be or indeed if it would be financially viable. However what I do intend to do is try some really good pre.order incentives on unit, brigade and army deals, these would be available once the sculpts were near completion.
What do you think?

John Dougan when he has spare time will continue with his Savoia and war in Italy project so expect to see some really exciting pieces for this range over the year.

As usual if you wish to make comment, suggestions or advice then get in touch. Otherwise can I wish you all a marvelous Festive holiday and please watch out for the new website in the New Year.
