We've got the next batch of Red Vectors designs sorted and ready to go! This time around we've got something for all the 28mm Fantasy players, so Mordheim, Frostgrave, that kind of thing! These are all available on our website here: HERE and also through our eBay Store HERE As well as the four regular packs, we've also got a bundle deal available for anyone needing all of them!
28mm Fantasy
RED-28F-01 Fantasy Inn £19.00
RED-28F-02 3-Storey Houses x 2 £19.00
RED-28F-03 3-Storey Large House £19.00
RED-28F-04 Ruined Houses Pack £34.00
RED-28F-BUN Fantasy Buildings Bundle (10 Buildings) £79.00
And some pics to tempt you in!
RED-28F-01 - Fantasy Inn £19.00
RED-28F-02 - 3-Storey Buildings x 2 £19.00
RED-28F-03 - 3-Storey Large Building £19.00
RED-28F-04 - Ruined Buildings Pack x 6 £34.00
RED-28F-BUN - Bundle Deal x 10 Buildings £79.00
We've got some more designs coming very soon as well, something for the North Africa players in a variety of scales...
More information on Red Vectors can be found HERE where you can also see a Gallery of the various products Mick has designed so far.
3 thoughts on “28mm Fantasy Buildings!”
16/07/2017 at 05:53
Seriously tempted by buy some for a WW2 skirmish game – the sniper duel part from Saving Private Ryan springs to mind.
16/07/2017 at 08:26
I was thinking much the same..using the 3 storey building for the Rhineland / Westwall.
17/07/2017 at 23:58
That sounds good to me, no reason why they couldn’t used in historical games as well!