Fighting 15s is shut from 1 June for one month. We will be cleaning up the shop after the removal of AB Figures and Eureka Miniatures products, and working on much-needed new pictures, plus a redesign of the online shop.
All remaining AB and Eureka miniatures will either be reincarnated as new figures (melted down, if you want it brutally), or, if viable, disposed of through a specialist in secondhand figures.
We have new products of our own to develop and launch, and it is time to focus on what lies ahead, not on our past.
2 thoughts on “Fighting 15s Important Update”
20/05/2020 at 11:12
Good luck with the upgrade.
Big fan of the gladiator range
20/05/2020 at 12:10
Thanks for the heads up. I made a timely purchase.