Home Forums Renaissance 6mm Sengoku Jidai with Battles in the Age of War Reply To: 6mm Sengoku Jidai with Battles in the Age of War

Avatar photoUsagitsuki

I don’t have any Irregular, all my figures are Baccus. I prefer Baccus to H+R, I’m not sure if the H+R range is extensive enough either. The sashimono are  smaller as well, and I don’t know how distinct the designs would be on those. You could do the figures without sashimono, which would be eminently sensible from the point of view of utility. I should say I’ve not actually seen any of the H+R Sengoku ‘in the metal,’ I’m just going by photos. But if you prefer them, go for it, 6mm is all about mass effect after all, whatever you can paint most of is good.