Home Forums Modern Fistful of TOWs 3 and the $20 Challenge Reply To: Fistful of TOWs 3 and the $20 Challenge

Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

Bish, I think we can safely say that the size of the game will be brigade-sized.

Single basing will allow you to buy 60 tank platoons and 15 infantry platoons, if you buy nothing else. I suppose if you want to go really low tech, you could use tank riders and buy 60 tank platoons and 30 infantry platoons.

With small, six-base battalions, that would give you 15 battalions, so not enough for a Soviet-style division and with only a off-board artillery battery in support.

This could be an interesting force if one called it, say, the Huang Empire and gave it Vietnamese infantry and boatloads of Chinese T-55 knock-offs. Hordes away!

Personally, my mixes are one or two packs of tanks, one or two packs of carriers, one or two packs of infantry, an artillery pack, a truck pack, or an MRL pack.

If ypu want to do a maximum quality, highest-tech allowed force, you’ll probably get a reinforced battalion on the table. Say a Chieftain Squadron with an infantry and recon company attached.

We get slapped around, but we have a good time!