Home Forums Nordic Weasel Games Sci-fi / Fantasy Starport Scum, Clash On The Fringe, & Five Parsecs Reply To: Starport Scum, Clash On The Fringe, & Five Parsecs

Avatar photoIvan Sorensen


They are all narrative games to some extent. I might consider starting with Five parsecs in your case, then transitioning to Clash once you want to make the games bigger.

Five Parsecs is strictly an infantry campaign affair, taking on various jobs and building up your crew, whereas Clash can handle more conventional army affairs, complete with vehicles and other shenanigans.

Starport covers the same ground as Five Parsecs, but is much more RPG oriented. If you prefer storytelling a bit and free-styling character abilities, then substitute it for Five Parsecs.

I hope that helps a little. You should have no difficulty carrying over your narrative between systems in any event.

Odds are the future will hold more Five Parsecs material, but I can’t give a time-frame on that.