Home Forums Air and Sea Naval 15 or 28mm ships

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  • #113819
    Avatar photoDevon Start

    Hey guys

    looking for a list of good ships in either 15 or 28mm. looking more for ancients and medieval ships. nothing with cannon. (well ok maybe lepanto galleys)

    Avatar photoNorthern Monkey
    Avatar photoDevon Start

    I know Old Glory lol. Im not that much of a noob. Hell I technically run games for them at cons ๐Ÿ™‚


    In all seriousness though, thank you for taking the time to reply.

    I was looking for something less well known. Though the OG stuff is high on the list, especially if i do this at 15mm. I know that the ships will have a similar look even across the different “genres” and that is beneficial


    Avatar photoDevon Start

    so now thanks to your name i have the scene in lock stock and two smoking barrels in my head, where the big guy hires the two theives to go rob the shot guns for the destitute lord. the one says he hates those “southern fairies” and the other just says “northern monkeys” (tho it sounds like Nova Monkeys or Norvern Monkeys)ย  Love that movie ๐Ÿ™‚


    I didnt think to check museum. Thanks!

    Avatar photoEtranger

    Some of the 1/144 through to 1/72 kits available from the likes of Revell and Zvezda might do for ancient to renaissance vessels in 15mm. There might even be the odd 1/50 kit for some!

    Technically this one has cannon, but would be suitable from c1400 onwards.

    Avatar photoDevon Start

    ive heard some of the zveda 1.72 are closer to 28mm too. so thats something to look into. Yeah the 1.72s would likely work fine for 15s, especilly that more 15s are closer to 18 these days anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

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