Home Forums WWII 15mm WWII US Infantry – Temperate

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    Avatar photoJust Jack


    Ahh, finally stepping away from paratroopers for a bit, mixing in some good, old-fashioned U.S. dogfaces for a change, based for temperate climates such as Normandy, Dragoon, the pursuit across France, etc… And not just foot troops, I’ve got some armor and other stuff to show ya, too!

    This force is about a 50/50 mix of stuff I bought and stuff I painted myself. Most of the really good looking stuff came from my buddy AJ, while the landing craft are very nicely done and came from a gentleman on Ebay. The rest is stuff I bought from another gentleman on Ebay at a very large discount; it was painted to a decent wargaming standard, but it didn’t match the stuff I got from AJ, so I spray-painted over it and went to work trying to make it look like AJ’s stuff.

    The entire force, consisting of:
    -A Commanding Officer
    -An Executive Officer (XO)
    -Five Rifle Platoons (three squads, a Platoon Commander -PC-, and a bazooka team)
    -An MG Platoon (three MGs and a PC)
    -A Mortar Platoon (three tubes and a PC)
    -A light ATG Platoon (two M1 57mm guns and a PC)
    -A heavy ATG Platoon (two M5 3″ guns)
    -An Artillery Platoon (two M1 105mm howitzers and an FO)
    -An Anti-Aircraft Platoon (one quad-.50 cal HMG and one 37mm Bofors)

    I also have some armor and landing craft to add to my already decent-sized collection of US armor:
    -Another M3 Lee (I already have five)
    -Two more M3 Gun Motor Carriages (GMCs) (I already had two)
    -Three M5 Stuarts
    -Three M8 GMCs
    -Three Landing Craft Vehicle-Personnel (LCVPs)
    -One Landing Craft Tank (LCT)
    -A knocked out Sherman
    -A knocked out Stuart

    Some rifle stands.

    How about some AAA?

    Fire for effect!

    Some M8 Gun Motor Carriages.

    Hit the beach!

    To see loads more pictures, please visit the blog at:

    Well, that’s it, my dogfaces are complete, ready to storm the beaches of Normandy. More on the way!


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    That’s a lot of minis. Another campaign you planning?
    Are LCVP really that wide? I’m not used to seeing ones larger than 1/700.
    M5 chassis had always looked goofy to me.

    Avatar photoJust Jack


    Hey man, good to ‘see’ you, hope all is well!

    “That’s a lot of minis. Another campaign you planning?”
    Always.  Ain’t ya seen all the forces I’ve posted last year and right now? 😉

    “Are LCVP really that wide?”
    I believe so.

    “M5 chassis had always looked goofy to me.”
    I suppose.  I don’t know that I’ve thought about it that much.  But I’m happy to have the M8 GMCs and M5 Stuarts, nonetheless (despite already having some M3 Stuarts).


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    I haven’t been keeping up on things. Taking a break form miniatures.
    You’ve been doing a lot of stuff, I can’t imagine what they all look like even in storage. Must be a wall high stack of 15mm?
    What happened to the old armies?

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    “I haven’t been keeping up on things.”

    Yeah, I took a break from the internet.

    ”Taking a break form miniatures.”

    Heresy! Shit, what else would I do, sleep? 😉

    “Must be a wall high stack of 15mm?”

    Indeed it is.

    “What happened to the old armies?”

    Uhh… I sold some, but still have most of them. An interested buyer? 😉



    Avatar photoDeleted User

    An interested buyer?

    I was thinking of starting some 10mm sculpting but after seing all the armies and piles of lead you’ve got I pretty much lost my motivation.

    Had an accident, dropped my tray of minis and a good quarter of them got crushed. After nearly 4 months I still haven’t build up the motivation to touch minis again.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    “I was thinking of starting some 10mm sculpting but after seing all the armies and piles of lead you’ve got I pretty much lost my motivation.”
    I’m not following, how did seeing all my trash de-motivate you?

    “Had an accident, dropped my tray of minis and a good quarter of them got crushed.”
    Dude, that’s horrible, I’m sorry to hear that.  That we devastate me, I’m sure it’s even worse for you, having designed and created all that yourself…

    “After nearly 4 months I still haven’t build up the motivation to touch minis again.”
    Hmmm….  Yeah, I think we all go through ups and downs, and periods where we feel like doing something or not doing something.  I’ve been lucky in that I’ve managed to stay involved with painting and basing forces, but I haven’t played a game in over a year, and sometimes the only thing keeping me from playing is the thought of how much work it is to pull stuff out, set it up, play, take it down, download all the pics, type up all the action, and post it.  But I do my best to navigate those eddies until my motivation returns, and I’m sure it will for both of us.

    Let me know if there’s anything I can do.  You’ve been so much help to me, I’d send you some of my stuff for free if it would help get ya back up on your (wargaming) feet.   But we both know what the true culprit is; I told ya not to be running marathons! 😉


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Seeing all those armies reminds me of how much work it’ll be to replace my damaged minis. One range being destroyed would be ok since I could replace them in one go but the damage is spread out in almost all size and era. Its just demotivating seeing someone else’s big armies all finished and all.

    That reminds me I still have to work on that 6-minute mile.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    double post

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Damn, sorry man.  Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

    And I’ll start assisting right now: forget about the six-minute mile 😉


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