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    Avatar photoJust Jack


    First off, I did get a fight in this weekend with my modern French Foreign Legion, just need to finish writing it up, then it will be posted. But for now:

    After perusing a few well-done blogs and being tempted, I ordered up some modern special operations guys and some adversaries. I just finished up the first four-man SF team:

    For more pics, and my future plans with them, please take a look at the blog:


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    They look good Just Jack !! And yes I have a grey beard..er mostly white now. Snort. Look forward to your AAR.

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Tchah! Just when you had me convinced 10mm was the way forward you go and do this!

    Very nice – looking forward to seeing them on the table.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Kyote – You’re right, I need to drybrush some white into that beard 😉

    Guy – 10mm is still my thing, and works for whatever you want to do.  I don’t know why I went and bought these, just a total lack of willpower 😉  In any case, I’ll be playing platoon-level stuff in 10mm, battalion level (and above) stuff in 6mm, and small skirmishes (4 good guys, 7-9 bad guys) in 20mm now.  I just need to get my modern Imagi-nation sorted out so I can get to it.


    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Just Jack, Just joking

    Tempting though. I started  a Rhodesian/ZIPRA/ZANLA small unit action project back in the early 80s -a spur of the moment thing too – I was stuck in London after some interviews with the Hong Kong police and I found a model shop near Euston Station. It had some wargame figures along with their more regular stock. In particular some Platoon 20 Vietnam Australians and some African rebels. I think I may still have some of the Aussies painted up as Rhodesian African  Rifles.

    The figs you have look rather more anatomically correct if my memory of the Platoon models is right. (and better painted)

    Looking forward to seeing your modern Imagi-nation.


    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Pendraken Aussies from their Vietnam range would look great Rhodesia!

    I’m telling you, 10mm is the way to go.  Go on, you know you want to.  And it’s so cheap; I bought 25 20mm troops for about $45 (the above troops were part of that).  Forty five bucks will get you TWO company-sized units with support weapons and a couple vehicles for each side (assuming a four-man base is a squad)!!!  Not too shabby, eh?  And that’s why when you check my blog you see more ‘armies’ than I’ll ever have a chance to get on the table…


    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Just Jack:

    Your four wee ladies o’lead look great. But who will they fight if most of your minis are 10 or 6 mm scale? Now you will have to buy more 20 mm minis and vehicles to fill out your inventory of potential foes and before you know it your into the scale deeply. These four figures are the gateway drug which will make you a frazzled and burned out scale-creep junkie mainlining 20 mm lead. Just Say No Jack! Make Nancy Reagan and Betty Ford proud and resist the siren-song of these base-metal incubi which will wreak you future. Resist!

    Dr. Phil Robertson.

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    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Ahhh, Dr. Phil Robertson, you don’t have the whole picture!

    I do, indeed, have enemies for them to fight.  I purchased a total of three four-man good guy teams, a team of 7 Russian-style bad guys, and a team of 9 Islamist-style bad guys.  That should be enough for my purposes.

    I just ordered some 20mm terrain the other day.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Oh Just Jack…20mm Terrain…By staying with 15mm I don’t have to have Terrain in 6mm,10mm.15mm, 18mm, 20mm or 22mm…that way lies Madness !!

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Tim and Just Jack:

    I apologise for my typo, of course it should be laddies o’lead. As I typed this correction, I realised that the real culprit was the autocorrect function on this I-Pad. However, I should have more closely proof-read what I posted. It is very unwise to call special forces types ladies unless they are female, and since I don’t want a visit from a Sp. Op. team I also apologise to all such male professionals.


    Rod Robertson

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