Home Forums Medieval 28mm Dark Age Metal Figures

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    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Hi all:

    During this fall and up coming winter I intend to take the plunge into a new scale of wargaming – 28mm. Up until this point, I only have experience with 15’s and 6mm figures. I am woefully ignorant about the larger scale. My intention is to build one or more Saga-style warbands for some skirmish games and then perhaps, if I feel comfortable in the scale, a full army or two. For a beginning I want to build a 9th-11th century Scots warband, a Saxon or Anglo-Danish Warband and either a Welsh or Irish warband. I want to buy metal figures and not plastic ones. From the research I have done to date I am leaning towards a mixture of Crusader Miniatures, Wargames Foundry miniatures and some Black Tree Scots skirmishers. Have I missed any manufactures of metal miniatures which are comparable in price and quality to those I have listed?

    Next is a question about spears at this scale. Many figures do not have them and, manufacturers instruct the modeler to use wire. How does one model spearheads for such wire spears? On my 15mm ancient armies, when wire was required, I just took a pair of pliers and flattened the end of softer copper wire and then cut the flattened end into a leaf shape. But at the 28mm scale I would like to see real spearheads on wire shafts. How do modelers in this scale make spearheads? Green-putty? Can they be purchased? Is there an easy way to scratch build them?

    Finally there is the question of terrain or more specifically buildings. What manufactures make good 28mm terrain in the dark ages? Is it more sensible to scratch build such structures. I am also interested in recommendations about accessories like baggage, tents and perhaps even ships.

    Thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer this newbie.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoRhoderic

    Gripping Beast sell wire spears with hammered, pre-shaped spearheads. You’ll also find cast whole spears from some manufacturers, although mine are mainly old Gripping Beast ones that seem to have been discontinued. I’m sure I have some cast spears from several other manufacturers in the lead pile as well – I can’t recall which manufacturers, but they exist. The shafts tend to be a bit thicker than wire spearshafts, though.

    One product I can definitely NOT recommend is the wire spears with separate cast spearheads from Old Glory. Drilling the spearheads and using the strongest glue you can find will not do much to ameliorate their tendency to snap off. The “bases” of the spearheads also look comically oversized.

    I’m not the best person to advise others on where to buy terrain (I’m on a budget and prefer scratchbuilding), but I suppose the first question nowadays is: Are you looking for laser-cut MDF or cast resin buildings? For resin, there’s Gripping Beast again (it’s hard not to keep bringing them up when discussing 28mm dark ages ). Monolith Designs made some nice-looking resin dark ages terrain, but seem to be no longer trading.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Thanks Rhoderic:

    I managed to find a company which makes separate weapons of all types so I’m good for that. Now all I have to do is find the figures to hold them! I would be looking for resin buildings and accessories, but if things are too expensive, then I like you will scratch-build what I need.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.


    Avatar photoRhoderic

    Out of curiosity, which company did you turn to for weapons?  I could always throw some more onto the lead pile 

    Avatar photoPatrice

    I think that hammered wire spearheads are very acceptable for 28mm too. If you want more thickness you can glue tiny bits of paper on them, or add more layers of paint.


    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Scheltrum Miniatures:


    It was suggested to me by x42brown on the page which shall not be named.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.


    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Salut Patrice:

    I will give this a try and see what comes of it. Paper is a really good idea. I warned everybody that I am a 28mm newbie so even the most elementary advice is appreciated.

    Merci bien a tous!

    Rod Robertson

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    A great page here suggested by Cedric on the page which shall not be named.


    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoCerdic

    Cheers Rod. I would have suggested it here but I saw your post over there first!

    Avatar photopaintpig

    I’m currently having a crack at building some SAGA armies myself and have been making my own spears and javelins and wire works fine for me although I use a hammer to flatten the wire. You will need a flat surface to work on, as your anvil so to speak, I also use a dremmel to shape the spearheads after flattening but of course a file will work just as well, occasionally I will bash out a sword or saex if I want some variation and I’m currently playing around with some axes. All good fun and very enjoyable making my own bits and pieces.

    Cerdics review is a gem isn’t it?

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    Slowly Over A Low Flame

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