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  • #185577
    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    I’ve been recently inspired by a Necromunda table which folds out to form a multi level board, and this reminded me of some of the classic GW displays boards, especially in the earlier era. eg this classic Heroquest diorama

    It made me wonder if it is possible to play a dungeon crawl game using a multi dimensional board, instead of the the usual flat pieces laid out on a table (nothing wrong with those I have plenty of those games already) But the idea of a 3D board would be cool visually and perhaps easier to store/transport.

    However this will through up some challenges with the game play and scenario design. LOS, movement and monster spawning could get interesting, but if done well I think it could add another dimension (pun intended)! Has anyone tried this before? I could adapt the vertical rules from a game like Mordhiem but I wonder if this would be too clunky.

    The necromunda “table” is here if you haven’t seen it before.


    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    That is brilliant!  A really beautiful setup.

    Many moons ago (like 1990 or ’93) I played in a game that was almost purely vertical which was inspired by a page in the ancient 40k Chapter Approved book.  The whole thing was made out of styrofoam packing fillers from appliances and whatnot.  There were some interconnected hallways, lift and ladder wells, some large multilevel rooms.  It was great fun, and sort of had an “Elevator Action” feel to it.  IIRC it was almost 5′ tall and about 5′ wide with a very shallow W shape plan.  It had a great ambiance with some little lights and everything, he spent 4 or 5 months making it.  I understand that 25 years later he revived a portion of it for a pulp game.

    So, totally doable. And with todays 3d printing I bet you could make something even better.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoLogain

    There are great examples of this sort of board for Space Hulk from back in the day. We played all of the campaign scenarios multiple time and a lot of the later ones focus on multiple levels.
    I always liked this clever project by Warinabox: http://warinabox.blogspot.com/2012/11/spaceship-detailing-while-you-wait.html?m=0

    I think a lot of new skirmish games have simplified vertical movement.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    This is amazing. I need to more.

    Avatar photoNoel

    I’ve seen images of people doing this kind of thing with Core Space. Maladum would also make it possible.

    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    Thanks I’ll check those out but from what I can see Maladum covers different heights but not multi levels

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Traveller had several games that include multiple level fights: Azhanti High Lightening, Snapshot, Beltstrike (less so but did also have small ship rules), and I can’t recall if Darkling Ship of Trail Of the Sky Pirates was that one that had a pretty nifty 3d system.

    If you’re interested in a very simple game that is similar to Space Hulk (really more like Aliens), comes with paper mins for you to print at home, and is FREE check out “Guncarwl” from Ebbles Miniatures/Genet Games

    Also, there is this Reddit thread

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    This was the page that set off that vertical game I had mentioned above:

    Chap approved

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    This was the page that set off that vertical game I had mentioned above:

    Yeah I love those dioramas. I brought some RT Space Marines to make my own homage to these.

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photoThe Red Hobbit

    I think vertical dioramas are wonderful and would be great fun to play in.  My 2nd FLGS had one they built as a hobby project over the year that was great but I can’t say I’ve seen any recently which is a shame since they look great to have on display.

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