Home Forums Terrain and Scenery 6mm Foxhole Suggestions

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    Avatar photoThuseld

    Morning all.

    I am trying to get my head around how to demonstrate that my US infantry are in foxholes without having to use tokens or mini-dice.

    I base them on coins. I want my table to actually look like there are foxholes there.


    Cut the figures in half, shove them into my basing material, then try and make it look like they are in tiny dugouts. I have one 2p coin stand of this and don’t like how it looks right now. I have also run out of figures.

    I could have stand with no figures and find something to cover the foxholes, like in Band of Brothers – logs from the trees, and foliage. These could then be generic for all armies. But how do I make that work in 6mm? I can’t think of anything thin enough to look like logs.

    I create a fortification looking outer base, on which to place my infantry stands, but then it will look odd. I may as well use a token at this point.

    Anyone had any success with this at all? Are there any on the market that I can buy? Are there any 3D prints that I could get someone to print for me (and pay them for their troubles)?

    Cheers in advance.

    Avatar photomadman

    I have foxholes from Timecast. They also have trenches. I just place the terrain where it would be. Either next to the figures when they are there or just leave in place. Since some are directional you could paint the “back” where cover is less brown and the area of coverage green. The terrain is about 1″ square.


    Avatar photoChris Pringle

    Irregular Miniatures offer WWTM5 “4 infantry in foxholes” in their WWII 6mm list.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Are your troops individually based on coins, or grouped on them?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoThuseld

    Are your troops individually based on coins, or grouped on them?

    Grouped on coins. They are in threes, twos and some are just one.

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    For my 10mm Pendraken WW2 Germans I’ve used their “3 men in a trench” models to create replacements for the “in the open” bases normally used.

    I base 6 infantry on a 40mm x 20mm MDF base for those in the open and a single 3-man model on the same size base for dug in. They are swapped as required. More figures and more painting but it looks so much better. IMHO!

    There are currently no Russian equivalents so I have considered using a couple of stacked MDF dice frames with the middle struts taken out as a former and pollyfilla or similar to create the heaped earth surround. Chop a few minis off at the thighs and glue everything in place on a base.

    Doing the same for 6mm shouldn’t be terribly difficult.

    10mm Pendraken WW2 German Army

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Grouped on coins. They are in threes, twos and some are just one.

      That makes it much tougher.

    If you don’t want to buy more figures to make dedicated foxholes perhaps you can create a slip over?  Basically a base that is the foxhole and basing stuff that has an open center so you can drop it over your figures.  It won’t look realistic but gets the point across.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

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