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    Finally 4+ years in the making Kingdom Cone: Deliverance will be released on Tuesday.

    I backed the kickstarter with a big coin purse and my Duke Collectors edition is on its way.

    A realistic Medieval RPG set in 1404 Bohemia, with layered armor system, and historical fighting techniques.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Ok, this looks really really cool.  I loved “Darklands” back in the day (though it was histo-fantasy), and a couple of years ago I tried to get in on “The War Of  The Roses” game but the publisher killed it off not too long after launch due to bug problems, and before I could get it to work!  I wonder if the armor and combat system from that game will be used here?

    Not a period I have learned much about, but it seems like this will be a great game for me to dive into, especially if it’s anything like the “Warband” series.  Thanks for putting this up!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."


    The armor system is far more complex than in WOTR game.

    You have 13 armor slots,(giving 4 layers of armor on the body)  with the ability to have padded armor with mail over it and then plate over the mail and padding, each type of armor gives various bonuses, like padding works great against blunt, only partially against cuts and almost not at all against stabs. while mail works great against cuts not at all against blunt and partially against stabs.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Ya, I like that alot.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    This looks rather promising though initial reviews suggest its pretty buggy and has performance issues.

    So might be a good one to wait a week or two for some patches.

    I’m kind of burnt out on combat-heavy RPG’s but I’ll be following this for sure.


    Got my Collectors edition by DHL yesterday, only played a few hours not out of the prologue yet.

    Yes there are bug and performance issues(so far I’ve only seen performance issues)
    The game isn’t combat heavy, in my 3 hours I’ve so far fought 4 guys proper(plus beaten up a drunk guy that owed my father money, and that quest you can do without beating up) It’s far slower than most games.


    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    That’s a nice looking package.  Is that book on the right a sort of history book or a “making of” sort of thing?  And a map is always handy…

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."


    Yes,  it shows sketches,  painting, explains some of the designs decisions. Also tells some of the history of the villages and castles (all real places)

    Very nice art in it.


    I played a total of 7 hours today, I was in a total of 4 fights.

    I got attacked by two “bandits” they had an axe and a stick, the first one dropped to his knes as soon as I drew my sword the second one only needed a light tap on his arm before he to droppped. I spared them, they looked like desperate farmers.

    The second fight was a lot harder, I died like 10 times, before I got him.

    The 3rd fight to was hard, I’d spent like 40 minutes trying to find these two bandits, I was sure I was going to loose when one of the died from blood loss and I bearly managed to kill off the second one.

    The last fight was a Cuman, he didn’t stand a chance.


    So yeah 4 hours 4 fights 4 dead enemies.


    I got hit in the head



    This is what I look like now.


    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Wow, whacked you so hard you lost your neck!  That’s an impressive blow!

    So, does this mean that it tracks scars and such?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."


    No doesn’t track scar(which would have been real cool. But it does show damage to armor and clothing that has to be fixed.


    Henry looking good


    Fighting with my visor down.


    Here I am Mercy killing a mortally wounded enemy with my war hammer, with the sword the mercy kill looks effective, one big stab into the chest.

    However the “mercy” killing with the Warhammer consist of hitting the guy about a dozen times with the hammer.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Bought it, installed it, played the prelude, LOVE IT!

    So far I’ve only died once, beaten to death by the grave digger I’m Rattay.  Really not intended for casual play, as just 30 min of play time won’t cut it.  But I am enjoying it so far.

    ThanK you so much for posting about it!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Ya, you’re way ahead of me.  I just finished up finding Ginger and am about to sell of the loot from killing the 2 bandits that were asking after him.  Hilariously, when I found them on the trail next to the river near the charcoal burners I charged them on my horse, striking one with my sword as i passed.  For some reason the guy second in line decided to attack the first and did most of the work for me.  When he and I fought I didn’t have him “target locked” and somehow managed a a lucky stab to the eye, and down he went!

    Things didn’t go so well when I came across some Cumens attacking some travelers.  6 on 1.  Lasted 3 seconds from drawing my sword to my death….

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

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