Home Forums Horse and Musket Napoleonic A French Revolutionary Wars project in 15mm

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    I got a copy of Phillip Balls Neither Up Nor Down.  It proved to be the tipping point for a new French Revolutionary Wars project.

    The bulk of the infantry figures are coming from Lancashire Games archived Revolutionary Wars range.  A very cost effective choice.

    I’m aiming to have Coalition, French and Vendee forces on the table top.

    If it’s of interest you can see my progress here.



    Avatar photoTony S

    I must admit that like yourself, after reading a good historical work, it inspires me to start a new project.  In my case it was reading Arnold’s Marengo and Hohenlinden, as I’ve always been interested in the (sadly neglected) French Revolution prior to Napoleon’s rise.  As well as the fact that we’ve been playing and enjoying Shadow of the Eagles and it covers that period.

    Luckily for my bank accounts, most of these projects don’t get beyond searching for suitable rules, thinking of campaigns, scouring the internet for proper figures, seeking out painting information and drawing up army OBs.  All quite enjoyable.

    I did know about Lancashire’s range, but have been a bit wary of them.   I’ve gotten some figures that were simply huge, and others that were, uh, a trifle oddly sculpted to my eye.  But they look quite nice in your photos.  Hmmmmm… it’s slippery slope you’re leading me towards.

    To return the favour, possibly, have you seen Irregular’s Revolutionary range? They are a company that can be somewhat hit or miss too (although I find it is mostly their earlier ranges that are rough; the more recent ones are quite nice).  However, I found their Irish to look very, very enticing!

    Avatar photoOB

    Hi Tony, I enjoy the preparation for projects too, not all of mine come to fruition either.

    The French Revolutionary Wars figures in Lancashire Games archive are good.  Bigger 15mm if you like.  I don’t like the cavalry much but the infantry are grand and inexpensive too.

    Yes, I have enough of the Irregular ’98 Irish for a Rebels and Patriots game.  What I really want is the long awaited Khurasan ones.  Here’s hoping.

    I’ll check out Arnolds’s Marengo Marengo thanks for the tip.


    Avatar photoOB


    I’ve made a good start on painting the French infantry and a first battery.  There are also some thoughts on the importance of the first fire and the revolutionary tactical response.  If you would like to read it and see more pic’s of the toys  here is the link.


    French Revolution


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    French Revolution

    The first pic’s of my Vendée units are now on my blog.  The figures are from Lancashire Games Archive range.  I think these have a lot going for them as well as being excellent value.  For infantry command I’ve used Lancashire’s Southern Tories and it seems to work well enough.

    Happily, there seems no shortage of flags online for the army.  The Sacred Heart seems to have been the most popular followed by the Lilies of France.

    There is also info’ on how the Army of the Vendée was organised and its tactics. If it’s of interest here is the link.



    Avatar photoOB

    I have now completed the first of the French cavalry for this project.  The figures are all from Old Glory’s French Revolution range.  So far, I’ve got a unit each of Hussars, Chasseurs and Line Cavalry.

    The doesn’t seem much about by way of cavalry flags which surprised me.  I’ve finished my National Guard units too.

    If it is of interest here’s a link.



    Avatar photoOB

    My Prussian contingent is nearly done.  Four units of infantry and one of cavalry completed.  I’ll add a unit of Hussars and another of infantry and then it’s back to the Austrians.

    If it is of interest you can see my progress here.



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