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    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    A friend of mine did an experiment a long time ago.
    He took the points system from one ww2 game and then used it with other games.

    His findings? It generally didn’t matter much what rules you used. Even in the event that something is rated higher, because of an ability that doesn’t exist in another game, it’ll even out over time.

    The theory at the time was that in any big enough game, between the various units, terrain and dice rolls, it’ll all even out.

    So assuming that theory holds up, someone could get out there and create a “generic” points system for most any period, that could be bolted on to another system, yes?
    f.x. the “Great Generic WW2 points system”.

    Thoughts? Silliness?

    (and lets assume we all know the arguments against points systems in general, I am talking about this specific approach)

    Avatar photoPiyan Glupak

    My guess is that it would not matter too much for scenario or casual one-off games, but the points system might come under intense scrutiny if used for competitions.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Yeah, I can’t imagine a tournament would have anything do with it, but tournament games tend to already have their own system.

    Avatar photocraig cartmell

    We have included a generic points systems across all of our narrative skirmish games. It defines a figure’s attributes and abilities, their weapons, armour and other equipment.

    By doing this we have allowed players to mix and match genres, play games spanning eras through various methods such as stargates and time travel. It also allows the players to create forces in genres not even covered by any of the rules.

    My point is that a working, generic points system turns a rule set into a toolbox, not just a method for running a game.

    I agree that tournaments do add a layer of legalese and nitpicking that can undo such a broad approach. But hey, this is why we have so many great rule sets out there today to suit different players’ styles.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Do you mind if I ask what your rules are?

    For sale on ze Vault?

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    I don’t doubt that it could work. I don’t know if people would use it, though.

    Military history author
    Website : Mastodon : Facebook

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Yah, I don’t think this is commercially viable. But you know how it goes when you get an idea in your head ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    Oh yes, I know that feeling well ๐Ÿ™‚

    Military history author
    Website : Mastodon : Facebook

    Avatar photocraig cartmell

    Do you mind if I ask what your rules are? For sale on ze Vault?

    I am one of the authors of the In Her Majesty’s Name series of rules published by Osprey, and also Daisho and Blood Eagle published by ourselves through Northstar Miniatures.

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    Also, I keep thinking about how to apply the idea to the Cold War period.

    Military history author
    Website : Mastodon : Facebook

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