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    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Figured I’d do up a quick game example of No End in Sight.

    It is our turn to play, and we’ve selected a squad and rolled for activation.
    Our men are all Trained Regulars.

    Our squad leader has one Stress counter on him already.

    The activation roll is a 5. We deduct the stress counter giving us 4 activation points to play with.

    Action 1
    We give a group move order, letting us move up to 3 guys in contact with each other for a single action.

    This allows us to move up some of our troops to get into better firing positions.

    Since the move takes place outside enemy lines of sight, we advance at 4″ per figure.
    Group moves do not permit firing, even if the end of the move got us into sight of the bad guys.

    Action 2
    We spend a second activation point to open fire with another part of our squad.

    We have a squad machine gun and a regular soldier in contact with each other, so we can fire them as a group if they do not intend to move.

    We hope to pin down the enemy so we can move across an open gap they are covering with fire.

    A trained soldier receives 1 point of firepower and we get two additional for the SAW, for a total of 4.

    We roll 4D6 for the Shock dice and 2D6 (in a distinct colour) for the Kill dice.
    Shock dice score 4, 5, 6, 6. Very nice! A total of 3 enemies are pinned down.
    The Kill dice score a 1 and a 6, landing a hit on one of the bad guys as well.
    The subsequent injury roll marks him as wounded.

    The enemy holds their position (they pass their morale check) but the situation looks a lot better now.

    Action 3

    Okay, it’s time to move.

    We spend our last two activation points activating two individual guys.
    THis is more expensive but they can both move and fire and do not have to be in contact with each other.

    As we try to move across the open gap in terrain in front of us, our opponent reminds me that he has a rifleman covering that avenue some distance away, meaning that we will have to Rush the gap.

    Measuring, the gap is 3″ wide and each soldier will Rush 1D6″.
    I roll a 1 and a 4. One soldier makes it fine but the other moves a single inch and becomes Pinned down.
    A roll for reaction hits fails to score a 6 so our guy hit the dirt when bullets started whistling over his head.

    The single moving guy can fire now (both would have been able to, but pinned figures cannot shoot.
    THe guy that reached cover takes a shot at the distant rifleman and manages to pin him down.

    End of activation
    We’ve moved up our squad, pinned several enemies and improved our position, but one of our squad is stranded in a bad spot.

    We add a new Stress marker to the squad and pass the turn to our opponent.

    Avatar photomadman

    Learning this game and have lots of questions. I am starting here and reviewing all the NEiS threads for answers. This has brought up a question.

    Action 3. If the gap is 3″ and one guy moves 4″ (assuming past the gap) how can he shoot? He would be out of LOS after the dash. Is he assumed to fire part way through the dash or what?

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Cheers friend.

    I assume you mean “how can the moving soldier shoot” in that example?
    If not, let me know and I’ll clarify.

    As written, the combat rules say “Active figures may fire all at the same group or may direct their fire against multiple targets and may fire before or after moving.”

    So lets say our soldier is behind a building and wants to rush across a 3″ wide street, to a building on the other side.

    Example 1:
    He can fire before he makes the rush, if he’s in sight of the bad guys.
    (as he may shoot before moving)

    Example 2:
    He cannot move half-way, shoot, and then move the rest of the distance.
    (As you must shoot before or after the move, not during)

    Example 3:
    If he makes the rush, he could stop at the corner of the other building and shoot from there.
    (As he may shoot after moving, and if the rush was a success, he isn’t pinned).

    I hope that helps?
    If not, let me know and I’ll see if I can clarify it more or draw something.

    Avatar photomadman

    OK I assume he did #3 as you stated in the example he fired after movement. Just so I know what the thinking was. Thank you very much. Talk about fast answers!

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    No problem! I happened to be working on something when the email notification popped in!

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