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  • #51207
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Bristol Independent Gaming is having a do this weekend…


    I shall be taking KR 16; Escape From Anshan along for people to play, just doing some exciting data card laminating…

    Come along and have a play


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    The local club is Brisbane Independent Gamers (B.I.G.) also so I half expected a bit of hometown news instead of something a world away.

    You’d better tell the Bristol mob to expect a court case over the name when the Brisbane lot unleash their standing team of highly paid corporate lawyers.



    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    So here are some pictures of the game as it will most likely be on the day.

    I will be using lots of stuff for the first time, such as the RDF skimmers, HARD suits, HK drones, and… The Junker Tanks!!

    See more of Anshan HERE

    Avatar photoPatG

    Great looking game – Love to see some actions shots from the day.

    Avatar photoStroezie

    Seriously jealous of anyone who gets to play.

    I’d could almost see myself pay money to join in a game like that  

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Yous guys!!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I managed to put on two games for people.
    The RDF won one and the Crimson Alliance won one, however on both occasions I was on the losing side… 

    Also played my first game of X-Wing which I actually enjoyed.
    Not convinced I will buy it as I can see the slippery slope of looking at stats and models and putting together that killer force..

    I learned that I had made assumptions about how the RDF HK drones work in terms of damage so need to alter that.
    I did not take many photo’s but I will post up what I did take and see if I can steal some others from people…  😀

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    So due to shaky hands and the light above my table not working a good few of the photo’s were just blurry messes, but in no particular order here are the few that are acceptable.

    The Table

    RDF Forces

    The Crimson Alliance

    Heading into Anshan

    HARD Suits leap out of the Asp

    HARD Suits rip apart a Junker Squad thanks to their MG’s

    If anyone wants to play a game of KR 16 and are free in the evenings, drop me a message and we can play at BIG.

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