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    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Had trouble buying something on ebay today and learned that Ebay had dropped Paypal. It’s been going on for a while but looks like they finally of paypal options. I thought it was because my account wasn’t linked to paypal account and found out you can’t link your accounts to paypal anymore either. The reason they gave was so payment on ebay would be easier but does it really? Also from what I’ve read sellers can’t choose paypal as a payment option either.

    It’ll definitely save me money since I only use paypal on ebay.

    Did Paypal’s CEO sleeps with Ebay’s CEO’s wife or something?

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Oh dang.  Looks like my amount of ebay purchasing will also go down.  I wonder if this will be one of those “shot themselves in booth feet” moments for Ebay.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Strange I bought a bit on eBay yesterday and it took PayPal.

    They dropped sellers getting paid into PayPal – you now need a bank account.

    Gut feel – risk reduction for FSA liabilities and money laundering rather than costs.

    Evan as a guest (i.e. no account) this page still states PayPal as an option as does the main buying FAQ page or the currently undated payments policy .

    Sellers do not have to accept PayPal – maybe that’s what this issue was (or eBay had YET another issue – seems to be an everyday occurrence).

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Ebay bought Paypal early on – 2002? ish. They then linked sales and purchases through Paypal as much as possible – double bite at the commission cherry.

    Then in 2015 they separated and there was an agreement as part of the divestment that Paypal would stay on the platform and be the preferred payment option for a fixed period. That period ended some time ago  (last year?) and the formal change to payment through Ebay to an Amazon style model began.

    Payment went to Ebay and they disbursed payment to the seller in due course (quite quickly in fact – better than Amazon).

    I was under the impression the buyer could still pay via Paypal but only into Ebay commerce account and not direct to the seller’s Payal account. They may have refused to accept Paypal payments but this seems unlikely given the purpose of this is to get the cash faster.

    Avatar photowillz

    As Andrew says ebay still accepts payment via paypal and sellers do not have to accept paypal but it will slow down and limit your ability to sell if you do not accept it.   At the start of the year in the UK ebay only pay out through a bank account.  It works pretty good money is normally paid into your account within 24 hours after the buyer has paid.

    I have just looked at my ebay account and paypal is still there, I think that the seller does not take paypal.

    Avatar photoMike

    Aye, just used my paypal account:


    Avatar photodeephorse

    Used PayPal on eBay yesterday.  No issues.

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    Avatar photoDeleted User

    I had issues trying to buy from 4 different sellers but the Paypal Credit option was grayed out. No Paypal option at all.
    This account wasn’t linked to my paypal account and on the page to link the accounts, it says new accounts can no longer link to paypal, accounts already linked can still use it.

    Avatar photoMike

    I had issues trying to buy from 4 different sellers but the Paypal Credit option was grayed out. No Paypal option at all. This account wasn’t linked to my paypal account and on the page to link the accounts, it says new accounts can no longer link to paypal, accounts already linked can still use it.

    ah, interesting..

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Ooo – this could be a ‘lift leg, take out gun, point gun at foot and pull trigger till it hurts’ for eBay.

    They seem to be speeding up the ‘commercial only’ model from all angles – I noticed my selling pages went dumb (i.e. mobile friendly) then full dashboard with actions / stats and data galore (but hard to find what’s being bid on) and ‘offers’ tucked well away bottom right. Even the news defaults to business for me.

    The last offer I had was a discount on selling one hundred pairs of sneakers (I do not even own one set) over a period of 7 days!

    With not being a Facebook user I’m not sure much will go via big companies and more via forums despite the lower customer numbers. It may not be an issue due to the bits I’ve got left and cost of international postage but it’s a pain for the odd quirky bits I buy.

    Avatar photoJeff Hancock

    It is common for PayPal credit to not be accepted for UK and European sellers from a US buyer in my experience for many years now.  Its either a sellers choice or a currency issue.  PayPal Credit is separate from PayPal, although they work closely togethed.

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