Home Forums Sci Fi 6mm Sci-Fi Evil Dave’s Epic House Devine Slaanesh Knights – Building the Household

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    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Another super-secret project. I’m looking to finish this army for our upcoming local tournament. We’ll see how far I get, things are mostly built as of today. I need to finish some Defiler conversions at some point and do some putty work on these knights.

    To add some variety I did some leg swapping and combining on the Hell-Knights and Hell-Scourges. I also swapped the weapons as well to add to the chaotic vibe.

    The Questors saw the most conversion, with scratch built Castigator cannons and battlecannon swaps to make them WYSIWYG.

    Finally, the Subjugators got some leg swaps as well. I found the Questor legs to be a bit too short so I added risers to the feet to beef them up. Up next is the puttying and priming.

    Avatar photoMike

    Nice, pink I hope?
    Or pastel blue at least?

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    It’ll be close to the SM/TL scheme, so blue-ish black lowers and pink/lime/cyan turrets.

    Avatar photoSteven Francis

    Looking great… Hope your playing second edition with them… Generally play 3rd which is great and not to slow but I do love the old army card list building

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Nope, they’re for Armageddon. We’ve got a good group of guys here, usually a dozen every monthly games day and reaching two dozen for the yearly tournament.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Building and conversion is done aside from the Debaser, so I’m testing out my scheme on a Hell-Strider. I’m undecided on the yellow but happy enough with the rest. No metal yet, but most if not all the black stuff will be silver or bronze in the end.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    That green and purple came out very vibrant and striking, looks really good!  I think the yellow really works.  Is it the coverage or the color you are unsure on?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks Darby. Not the coverage, no, just the tone of the yellow. The AK fluorescent yellow I’m using now is the exact opposite: good tone, utter crap for coverage.

    Good progress this week, the magenta is done and all but size of the knights have their black done. I decided to call it quits for tonight after knocking over my bottle of Black Templar. No models took a hit, but my hands are stained real nice now.

    The Hell-Scourge in the front there is furthest along. It just needs the metal colors at this point. I picked up some flourscent AK Interactive paints for this project, I’m underwhelmed but them. Their coverage is horrible. My bottle of Vallejo Mecha Magenta isn’t great but it’s still better than these, plus it’s airbrush ready.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I didn’t quite get as far as I hoped but these are done enough for NEAT. They need some gloss and dullcotes, and their flocking and tufts, but otherwise they’re good enough to bring the pain this Saturday.

    I also might add some heat destoration to the weapons, if I can find a technique I like.

    After that, it’s on to the scout Titans, and the rest.

    Avatar photoMike

    Cool beans, I am tinkering with Slaanesh in WFB, what would you say are good colours to use that ALSO have good coverage?

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Screamer Pink covers as well, and the pink layer paints work well over it. I’m also trying out the new EC purple’s and they seem good as well for coverage.

    I topcoated the Slaanesh knights this week, then added some flock and a few alien tufts. They’re done for real this time.

    I working on converting some Debasers (Slaanesh Defilers) as well as some infantry and other titans.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I’ve been working on these Noise Marines in the Flawless Host scheme for the last month or so. Thoughts on the actual Noise Marine model? I’m not sure on the weapon, specifically. I’m wondering if I should add some color somewhere.

    Anyway, they’re almost done bar the basing and Noise Marines. These Epic 40k era plastic figures have a crazy ammount of detail on them, and I’m compelled to try and paint all of it (hense the long paint time). Sourcing the standard marines was slightly easier than straight Noise Marines so I just did a single one per stand to represent the Blast Master they have.

    The Icon Bearer is stock, but I put a pin head on the bottom of his plinth and a magnet in the base so I can pop him on there when I need it. Not sure what I’m going to do with the banner yet, maybe just a Flawless Host decal.

    The Champion is a Berzerker conversion, I head swapped a Daemoneete head on to it.

    Avatar photoMike

    Superb stuff. I always feel obliged to paint all the detail. If the sculptor went to the effort of sculpting it, it would be a disservice to ignore it.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I ended up going with a seafoam green for the Blast Masters on the Noise Marines. I think it sets them apart nicely from the rest. THese are all finished up now, aside for topcoats and flocking. I’ll get to that down the road when I have a few more things in the queue for the airbrush.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I wanted a little more variety in my Chaos Cultist and Mutant stands so I’ve been doing weapon swaps between the two models. I’m nearly done, the last bit will be to convert Cultists with both Beastmen weapons and vice versa.

    I’m also kicking around ideas for heavy weapon cultists. One Heavy Stubber and one panzerfaust-esque model. Nothing to show yet for them.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I’m trying to figure out the scheme for my Slaanesh Titans this week. I’m pretty happy with the purple to magenta armor transition. It’s way more blue in the photos than in real life though (leave it to Slaanesh to mess with color balance). The black bits will be gold, brass or silver but I’m still thinking on the weapon pod looking bits that are white right now. Thoughts?

    Avatar photoMike

    Not sure, but I do like what you have done so far.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    <p>Since I had the airbrush out for topcoating I also hit my Flawless Host warband as well so I could flock and tuft them up. Aside for a decal on the banner they’re good to go.

    Avatar photoMike

    Do like, did you figure out a titan colour?

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I did, he’s pretty much done but I’ve been distracted with Shieldbash stuff. I’ll finish him soon and start on the other three too. I went with lime green for the minor weapon pods and brass/gold for the metals.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I finished up the Questor Titan that I left nearly finished a few months back. I went with green for the wepaon pods.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Very nice and clean.

    Your output is impressive!

    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    Great work and gorgeous colours on them. Are the knights original GW models?

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks guys.

    They are, I just swapped around some legs, heads and weapons between them.

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