Home Forums General PC and Console Gaming F14 VS SU27 guns only dogfight

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  • #196053

    After proping around for a few weeks, I needed some jet fuel in my veins again. I just got my TM F18 grip for my Brunner Force Feedback base, I just wasn’t happy with my two Virpil grips, didn’t like the aesthetics or ergonomics. But most importantly none of the 4 way switches worked right, it might be a conflict with the brunner base, but all 4 way switches had a tendency to be over sensitive. So you trim up but also trim left wing or right wing down, you try and select a weapon and you keep selecting wrong weapons.

    And using stuff like Tpods was not very fun, you try and do a point lock in the A10 and you give a completely different command to the Tpod. So far the TM F18 stick seems better in this regard, even if it’s technically a lower quality thing.

    A 2 round guns only dogfight against a Su27. Second round was a true pyrrhic victory as I ran out of fuel just as it hit the 27..


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