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    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Cheers adventurers, Ivan here.

    The first supplement for “Five Parsecs From Home” is now available. Within the 19 page expansion you will find random generation tables to set up planets, populations and settlements in great detail, including a simple system for determining conflict between local factions. Great for more role play oriented campaigns.

    You also get some fun rules for bounty hunting and tax collection, if you prefer your crew to have gainful employment, random events for starship travel, a small expansion to character creation and sections describing military actions (with a mission generator) and boarding actions in Five Parsecs.

    Now available for 3.99


    Avatar photoQuaker

    Already bought it, looks like great material to integrate into a campaign.

    Avatar photokyoteblue


    Avatar photoEli Arndt

    Are Tax Collector missions usable for things like looking for certain droids or executing despicable orders against monastic orders?



    Avatar photoshelldrake

    Cheers adventurers, Ivan here. … sections describing military actions (with a mission generator) and boarding actions in Five Parsecs. 


    Does this mean you could play a military unit as opposed to playing a group of ‘adventurers’? For example, could I play a campaign using a squad and play out military actions or boarding actions for a campaign?

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Are Tax Collector missions usable for things like looking for certain droids or executing despicable orders against monastic orders? -Eli

    They could be adapted yeah, though the bounty hunter option is probably better for a “hit” kind of mission. Tax collectors get paid quite well potentially though 🙂


    Does this mean you could play a military unit as opposed to playing a group of ‘adventurers’? For example, could I play a campaign using a squad and play out military actions or boarding actions for a campaign?

    You can, but it isn’t super full featured. For a mercenary outfit operating “out there”, they’d probably still be using the main campaign rules (since they’d have to scavenge a lot). For a straight up military campaign, you’d probably be better served with Five Men in Normandy, plus the weapons from Five Parsecs.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    You could use the Colonial Marines from the Aliens 2 movie as your squad. I’m all over the place with ideas for 5PFH .

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Well, if you’re looking to run military scenarios, there’s nothing stopping you at all. A full blown campaign with missions, promotions and stuff? You can fit it together using the bits in the FiveCore rules and whatnot but it’s not quite as fully supported as the adventurer style just yet.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I was just thinking that some one makes 15mm Aliens and Colonial Marines or figures close enough .

    Avatar photoshelldrake

    I think it is Khurasan Miniatures – but he is having PC issues at the moment and this is hindering his web site from what I understand, so I can’t check.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Yeah that’s them. Not that I can buy from him. But any way lots of ways to do semi-military games in space.


    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    I have the Khurasan “space demons” and they are quite lovely.

    QRF makes them too but I haven’t seen them “in the lead” so to speak. GZG might have something as well?

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I may get some of the QRF as I can buy them from Scale Creep Miniatures.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    And for marines, pretty much any modern or near-future guys will do.

    I think the PP foreign legion I have may well end up doing double-duty as low tech space troopers.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Those would work, And like I said on the OPSZ thread I found my IrishSerb 15mm Armored Cars.

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