Home Forums Modern Forces for Modern Middle East Part 6 – Rebel Minis Fedayeen

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    Avatar photoJust Jack


    Next up in my line of desert forces are some real bad guys. Previously I’d shown you my ‘regular’ insurgents for the Middle East/North Africa, but here are the real bad guys. I went with an overall uniform and menacing look: all black. So these will be used for the worst of the worst, the Saddam Fedayeen of early OIF, AQ in Iraq for later OIFs, AQ in Afghanistan, and, of course, ISIS.

    The whole pack, 20 troops in four poses, based on pennies. To see some more pics of these troops, please check the blog:

    I actually finished these, and quite a few more, before I started Team Whiskey, I just didn’t have time to take pics and post them, so I’m working on getting caught up with posts of some 15mm troops. I’m posting these for two reasons:

    1. I want to help folks out; almost all my purchases of toy soldiers are via the internet, so pics on the internet are pure gold for me. I will spend hours perusing the various sites on the net searching for pics of potential purchases, so I figure I might as well do what I can to help out others like me.

    2. This is sort of a painting log, documenting what I’ve accomplished, which helps with painting motivation.

    So, more to come.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I have those figures and use them for Bongo Harim the bad guys in the Sultanate of Ifat….yours are better painted than mine are….
    So back to the Middle East, Just Jack ????

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Eh, mine aren’t better painted, your eyes just ain’t what they used to be, and you imagine mine to be better than yours because I’m younger 😉

    Back to the Middle East?  Hmmm, I’m not sure, actually.  I painted these up a couple months ago, and I still haven’t decided what’s up next.  I need to hurry though, I’ve got too much to do to just be sitting around!  But I was sick as a dog this past weekend and didn’t get anything wargame-related done…

    And regarding your QRF 90s infantry, I may have to trade you for my Rebel Minis US infantry.  For the life of me I can’t get Geoff (or anyone else from QRF) to respond to me!  I’ve been on this quest since July 2nd; I’ve sent about 25 messages via different routes to various members of QRF, and I’ve gotten about five responses.  The last I heard from QRF they 1) were going to put the 90s US infantry back up on their web page for sale (hasn’t happened), and 2) had received my list of troops I wanted to order and would get back to me (they haven’t).  Both of those happened two months ago.

    So what’s the scoop, Old Man?  I’m a likeable guy, right?  Certainly not bad enough that somebody wouldn’t want to take my money 😉


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Geoff at QRF is a cool dude, just snowed under most of the time. I can send those figures any time you want them. Just send me your mailing address.
    I have the Team Yankee US and Soviet army boxes on order along with the rules.
    Got most of the painted troops to do Verdun on order….Hell I even painted a few figures….

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    “Geoff at QRF is a cool dude…”
    I have no doubt, and I’m not trying to speak ill of anyone personally, it’s just been extraordinarily frustrating.  This is the second time this has happened to me in my short wargaming career, and both times it was with vendors that are pretty much universally respected and liked, so it’s definitely me that’s the anomaly!  I just can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

    Do you want my Rebel Minis US infantry in exchange?  Out with it, Old Man, what sort of bargain are you trying to drive here 😉

    Link to the blog post:

    21 figures, they’re desert based, in the older desert tri-color (between chocolate chip for Gulf War and MARPAT/ACU for later OIF, so good for Somalia, early OIF/OEF, and for fighting Bongo Haram) uniforms.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Yes yes painted for painted, I got a box to ship them too you so send that address !!!!!
    Oh and bummer about Geoff. Stuff happens.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    You’ve already got my address, ya Old Bastid!  I wrote it in your little book when we were in OKC.

    In any case, I need your address.  I’ll send you an e-mail.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Hum…now where did I put that book…..

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Just Jack and Kyoteblue:

    You two sound like and old, married couple. Stop your bickering and trade your minis you ninnies!

    Jack, your fedayeen look good and seem ready to defend the Ummah. Hopefully they will be more effective at resisting the powers of the Great Satan than the hapless militias of Cuba which were up against American Special Forces claiming to be Cubans. So, insh’allah, the fedayeen and mujihadeen will be able to defend Dar Al Islam and spread the faith to Dar el Harb!

    Cheers and submit to the fedayeen!

    Rawd Ibn Robert

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Ha found it in the Grand Daughters bedroom !!!! I’ll try to get them off tomorrow or Thurs.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Kyote – I sent you an e-mail.

    Rod – Now you’re the Bastid!  I just give Kyote hell ’cause he’s an old hippie hillbilly, but you, it’s personal.  It took me awhile, but I’ve finally noted that you take the opposite position to mine, no matter what it is, now even extending to ISIS!  So far you’ve taken up with Poles, French, Castro-regime Cubans, Soviets, and now the Caliphate.  I suppose you weren’t paying attention back when I did my “In Country” and “All Americans” campaigns, but if you’re willing to back ISIS there’s not doubt you’d have found some kind words for the VC/NVA and Wehrmacht 😉

    What is it with you wanting to see me get my butt kicked on the tabletop?  I think it’s simply insane jealousy directed at me due to my laymen’s knowledge of technology which allows me my sparklingly beautiful blog.  I told you I’d help you out; come on, you need something to prove you’re actually a wargamer and not just a wargaming forum critic 😉

    Oh, and “…up against American Special Forces claiming to be Cubans.”  You can’t prove that, and history is written by the victors, which, in this case, are the true patriots and devotees of the Cuban cause 😉

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Got the E-mail and just replied. I’ll get the figures off to you tomorrow or Thurs. Rod is just contrary….much like I am. I think it happens to you as you get past 40ish…..how old are you now Just Jack……it could be creeping up on ya !!!!!

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Just Jack:

    I never take the opposite position to you. All the figures are yours and you’re playing both sides, so I’m rooting for you regardless of the side you choose to root for! Go Jack, Go!

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I’ll mail the troops out tomorrow Just Jack.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Kyote – I’m 41, and I’ll get these out ASAP.

    Rod – Uh-huh, sure buddy.  I may control both sides, but, as you well know, I’m definitely playing one side against the other.  Traitor 😉


    Avatar photoGeoffQRF

    For the life of me I can’t get Geoff (or anyone else from QRF) to respond to me!  I’ve been on this quest since July 2nd; I’ve sent about 25 messages via different routes to various members of QRF, and I’ve gotten about five responses.  The last I heard from QRF they 1) were going to put the 90s US infantry back up on their web page for sale (hasn’t happened), and 2) had received my list of troops I wanted to order and would get back to me (they haven’t).  Both of those happened two months ago.

    Chas and I both apologise for this – I thought he was sorting it, he thought I was (we don’t work in the same place as I work full time in a university and he is a part time Counsellor) and between us the moulds got put to the side! I mentioned it to him this morning and he said “oh God, I totally forgot about that”… as did I.

    I have your revised list and we are just sorting them out.

    QRF Models Limited

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    No problem, Geoff, I’m just glad to get it figured out.  The figures are fantastic and I appreciate the fact you guys were willing to go and dig out moulds that hadn’t been used in years!



    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I love a happy ending !!!!

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