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  • #28539
    Avatar photoSane Max

    Hi all

    I have a lot of 20mm Franco-Prussian War Infantry for both sides gathering dust,had them for quite a few years now. I refuse to paint them until I can also get the Cavalry at least – I will convert and scratchbuild odds n sods like Artillery If I have to, but really have not the time or skill to do Cavalry. Soooo they sit unpainted.

    So in the meantime my hankering for both sides is unsatiated, and wondered who, apart from Essex, do a decent range of figures in 15mm for the period?

    Avatar photoIain Fuller
    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Minifigs. If you feel up to painting Old School figures…

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    thanks People and Connard 🙂


    Avatar photowillz

    Here are some 20mm FPW  cavalry figures  http://www.bandbminiatures.co.uk/userimages/procart5.htm



    Avatar photoSane Max

    Yesssss…… I looked at them – has anyone held one in their hand? The paintjobs on the website make it hard to tell if they are good figures painted badly, or bad figures full stop. The Emhar Infantry are very good indeed, and human-proportioned rather than Wargame-proportioned.

    Maybe I should just bin e’m and go with 15 mm instead…

    Avatar photowillz

    Fair point Max, I have not seen them in the flesh and like you I want to hold and feel my toys before purchase.  With the advent of computers and digital cameras you would have thought it would have been easier to make an assessment of what figures look like.  At times I think it was simpler to purchase wargame figures 30 years ago.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    what, read a blurry description in a mimeographed booklet, phone them up, get the owner’s irritable wife trying to describe them to you, order them, send off a cheque, wait a month and then be bitterly, bitterly diaspointed when you receive them, add them to the pile, repeat?

    No, we are livin’ in the Golden Age man! Even Essex now have pictures of almost everything on their website, it’s a miracle!

    Avatar photosheepman

    Outpost does the compleate (and I mean compleate) range in 15mm. Maybe not the best looking figures you will ever see but thet do the job. See here:
    The Northumbrian Wargamer for some painted examples.

    'The higher up the tree the monkey goes, the more of it's arse you can see'.
    To bosses everywhere!


    Avatar photoSane Max

    to heck with it, I am getting some 15mm. Now, an important question – I base my F&F 15mm ACW Infantry three to a base, for a skirmish line look. Would FPW armies have been more formal? I don’t want them to look like Napoleonics, all disciplined lines, and images of the war (mostly art) are more reminiscent of the ACW – would 3-to-a-base look wrong or right in your opinions?

    Avatar photosheepman

    Two Prussian Corps based three to a base for Fire & Fury Francais rules:

    French, note the Chasseurs as light infantry are two to a base as are all cavalry:

    Photo of a game:

    Many more pics here


    'The higher up the tree the monkey goes, the more of it's arse you can see'.
    To bosses everywhere!


    Avatar photoNeil Scott

    I’ll second the Outpost range, very comprehensive and when painted up they look great. Bulk of my collection for the FPW are Outpost

    Double six! I need a double six

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