Home Forums WWII French Army Transport and Cargo Trucks, 1940

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    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Hey, does anyone have a handy web page (preferably) or other source that provides some information on the subject? I’m just fleshing out my own reference list for choosing vehicles for scenarios. Trucks are not a high priority for me, but I’d love to find a few pictures I can link to.

    Just if you have something handy, don’t spend any time really looking, I’ve done a fair bit of googling the past couple of weeks. 🙂

    I’ve got the Laffly transports and prime movers.

    Thanks in advance!

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    This may be helpful but you have to scroll down to the transport section (page 39). Then google the vehicles described for pictures.


    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoEtranger

    Anything you’re after in particular Tim? There are plenty of photos around but websites devoted to French softskins appear to be fairly thin on the ground.

    Although referring to beute trucks, this is a fairly comprehensive list of the various French manufacturers https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=131075 David Lehmann knows his stuff. There were also vehicles imported from the USA eg Chevrolet 1.5 ton trucks.

    Oddly enough, AHF has less about French trucks in French service…

    Here are some details of the various French halftrack types https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=112&t=84920 It’s an old thread and some of the photographs are no longer available.

    If you can find a copy of this https://www.amazon.com/Observers-Fighting-Vehicles-Directory-World/dp/0723214697/ref=sr_1_11/142-4567693-6188532?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1492932753&sr=1-11&refinements=p_27%3ABart+Vanderveen then there will be a lot of useful information in that. Mine is in storage, alas!

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Various Renault


    and Citroen

    Laffly, as light tractors/staff cars.


    The Free French forces in Africa had Ford Canada trucks. You should know more about them Tim 🙂


    If you do an image search on German soft skins, it’ll likely throw up more images. Utility vehicles were more important to the Germans than AFVs in the early years, so guess where all the captured French camions ended up? 😉



    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoPatrice

    In French:



    Search also for posts from “lou passejaire” on wargame forums this guy is very interested in the WW2 French Army.


    Avatar photoEtranger

    Lou can usually be found over on LAF.

    Forgot this thread: https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=23596 lots of French beute trucks and AFVs. It includes pictures of captured vehicles that are still in their original paint scheme. It’s up to 200 pages…

    Avatar photoLes Hammond

    I just buy all the French transport I can get my hands on. A truck is a truck to me and if one platoon is in Renaults and another in Citroens, it helps tell them apart en masse.


    Between them, H&R and Scotia have quite a few, especially as most if not all the Scotia ones come in open top & covered top versions.

    6mm France 1940


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