- This topic has 17 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by kyoteblue.
26/07/2018 at 01:09 #95670Just JackParticipant
So, for all you kind souls out there that actually read, enjoy, and respond to my batreps, I greatly appreciate it, and I apologize. I apologize because I didn’t get any gaming in this past weekend. But don’t let that make you think I didn’t get anything wargaming accomplished; quite the contrary, actually! Like many of you, I presume, I have roundabout 8 million different wargaming projects lying around, in various stages of completion, with more pouring in from the mailbox on a regular basis. This past weekend I was upstairs in the War Room, cleaning up the remnants from my “Tears of the Sun” campaign (over on the Cuba Libre blog) and pondering my next move, when… Well, there’s no other way to put it, I was simply overcome with aggravation and frustration at all the crap scattered about. My initial intent was simply to work on a couple things, then get some games in on Sunday, but once I got some momentum going, I couldn’t quit, and so I worked through two whole days of knocking stuff out.
And here’s what I (mostly) got done! Little monkey hands were quite busy playing with Daddy’s stuff, but not so much with helping to assemble and paint 😉 To see about a hundred more photos, please check the blog at:
http://blackhawkhet.blogspot.com/2018/07/painting-weekend.htmlMan I got a lot done, but still so much more to do. But don’t worry, I’ll be playing some games this coming weekend and posting the batreps ASAP, just not sure where I’m headed. I’m ready to start my Aussies in North Africa, I’m ready to start Blood & Guts in Sicily (to include some armor vs armor games using Treadheads, from my buddy Steve/Wolfhag), I need to finish KG Klink in Fall of France, I want to get back to Cuba Libre in Cronistria for a faux-Market Garden concept I’ve been thinking on, back to South Leon for my 10mm FFL troops above, back to South Leon for some more 15mm SOF stuff, aaaaaaaaahhhh!!!
Jack26/07/2018 at 01:40 #95671kyoteblueParticipantIt all looks great Jack, but wow you are all over the place!! 6 mm 10 mm and 15 mm. !!!! I just got an order from Mark at Scale Creep Miniatures a French and Indian Wars fort, Cabins and British and French line troops.
26/07/2018 at 04:40 #95674zippyfusenetParticipantYer a madman, Jack. It’s a good weekend for me if I finish half a dozen figures. I’d guess that you paint with a fire hose, but your quality is excellent. Well done that man.
And kyote, you are a sensible fellow to buy what figures you can paint, and paint what you buy.
I am not very much like either of yez…
You'll shoot your eye out, kid!
26/07/2018 at 04:43 #95675kyoteblueParticipantI stick with one scale/size and while I do paint terrain and Tanks I have someone else paint the figures for me. I’ll do the Fort and Cabins.
26/07/2018 at 07:41 #95678Alexander WasbergParticipantThat is simply an insane amount of work done taht quick with such a quality too. Impressive to say the least!
http://lasersandbroadswords.blogspot.com My project blog
26/07/2018 at 12:36 #95695MikeKeymaster26/07/2018 at 13:10 #95709ThuseldParticipantSuccessful looking weekend. It has inspired me to crack on with my summer projects.
Experiments here: http://inexperiencedmodelmaker.blogspot.co.uk/
Tranquil Stars updates: https://tranquilstars.wordpress.com
26/07/2018 at 15:13 #95716Darkest Star GamesParticipantWow Jack, that’s a lot of work you’ve banged out there, that’s great! Love reading your reports, and looks like you’ll be putting out some more great fodder, keep at it sir!
"I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."
26/07/2018 at 16:04 #95720Just JackParticipantKyote – I’m all over the place??? Of course I’m all over the place, you act like we just met! ;). Dude, I have FIVE wargaming blogs!!!
Zippy – Garden hose works best for details 😉 Thanks man!
Alexander – I appreciate it!
Mike – You need to pick up the pace! 😉
Thuseld – Please do, you’ve always got something cool going on!
Darby – Thanks man, I’m working on it. Just worried about ‘paralysis by analysis,’ too many campaigns I want to get to. I need to just make up my mind and get the damn table set up…
26/07/2018 at 22:14 #95746kyoteblueParticipantFive gaming blogs !!!
27/07/2018 at 15:48 #95766Just JackParticipantYeah man.
1. Blackhawkhet
2. Cuba Libre
3. Island Hopping
4. Sword of Gideon
5. Hakuna-Matata
27/07/2018 at 20:25 #95785Just JackParticipantAll,
I got some more stuff done!
Check out the cool 10mm stuff from Butler’s Printed Models! To see more pics, please check the blog at:
Jack27/07/2018 at 22:44 #95788kyoteblueParticipantWow, that really is a ton of work! How about a return to Sword of Gideon?
29/07/2018 at 03:34 #95837Just JackParticipantThanks dude, and yeah, I’m thinking about it.
What’s been holding it up is this: during the last operation, the platoon got beat to hell, and had to take on a bunch of replacements, largely untrained refugees from Europe, and in real life they were thrown into the line and took horrendous casualties. I’ve been planning on playing a couple games where the platoon just gets beat to hell again and loses a bunch more guys, before the leader comes to the conclusion something needs to change. The problem is that I don’t really want to play the games where my guys get beat up. I mean silly stuff, attacking Arab emplacements over open ground, no cover whatsoever, and just getting chewed to pieces. There are a few solutions which allow that to happen without actually playing the games, i.e., just roll some dice to see who gets whacked, but that will just aggravate me when some of the vets I’m attached to get hit. I’m kind of at an impasse…
Jack29/07/2018 at 03:57 #95841kyoteblueParticipantI understand I hated it when the Old Man died, but you can’t set on it forever.
29/07/2018 at 07:21 #95846PaintingLittleSoldiersParticipantnice
19/08/2018 at 17:40 #97243Just JackParticipantAll,
Well, I’ve got great news, and not so great news. Bad news first: I still haven’t played a damn game! Last games were the Cuba Libre “Tears of the Sun” fights, need to get my butt back in the saddle and play some games. It’s not for lack of projects/ideas, maybe paralysis from too many… In any case, the good news is, I’ve finished off (well, almost) my 10mm Modern Forces. Previously I showed you a bunch of desert forces; here I’ve got one more desert force, a couple that can go desert or temperate, and then some temperate forces. I do have a couple winter forces I want to do; got the troops (just US and USSR), but haven’t done anything with them yet. Anyway, let’s get to the pics.
Here’s all the stuff I just finished off: British (desert), US (both), Soviet (both), British (temperate), French (temperate), Special Operations (temperate), and insurgents (temperate), and some British Cold War vehicles. All the troops are 12mm from Minifigs UK, with some weapons from Pendraken and the vehicles from Butler’s Printed Models. To see more pics, please check the blog at:
http://blackhawkhet.blogspot.com/2018/08/okay-this-is-getting-out-of-hand.htmlAlso some stuff about an upcoming project in there, but I’m going to make a separate post about it (soliciting help).
Jack19/08/2018 at 18:18 #97246kyoteblueParticipantYou are a painting machine!!! I’ll miss my Marines but Normandy sounds cool!
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