Home Forums Fantasy General Fantasy Jagannath's Desert Fantasy – Bandits! 6/1/19

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    Avatar photojagannath

    They’re good minis – mix them in with a few other taller folk and the height difference won’t matter then. I might order some more FiB villagers soon (I’ve got a hankering to make a diorama) so I’ll drop you a line when I’ve got spares.

    Need to add a few bits to this thread – I’m painting something top secret for a well know 15mm company at the mo (get me!) so don’t have much to show off, I did make a start on the ropebridge board last night though, I’ll grab some pics tonight.

    Avatar photojagannath

    Hi all.

    I’ve got a question for the hive mind – I’m after some lower level ‘critters’ for some of my adventures, especially the caves – ‘goblin’ or ‘giant rat’ equivalents for desert gaming.

    So far I’ve bought some 10mm Harpies from Trollz.cz that I’m pretty confident will work for out in rocky areas (maybe retrieveing something from the winged beasties’ nest). I want some ‘firebugs’ or 15mm scaled giant(ish) scorpions (maybe 10-15mm long). There’s always wolves I guess. I’ve also got some Magister Militum 10mm Goblin/Orcs which might work in a pinch, but I was half-saving those for a madcap idea of recreating the Warhammer Skirmmish book in 10mm.

    What other ideas are there?

    Avatar photoMike

    Giant: Spiders, Scorpions, Snakes, Rats, Beetles, Lizards, Insect Swarms…

    Panthers, Big Cats, Crocs, Jackals,

    Mummies, Ghouls, Vampire types, Cat Headed People,


    errrrrm run out of steam now…

    Avatar photojagannath

    Blimey, did you have that list pre-typed?!

    Sorry, I should have said that I was talking about available minis more than just ideas, though thanks – there’s some good stuff there. I’ve been looking at the Magister Militum Meerkat’s too – I don’t generally like anthropomoric animals, but I feel like I might be able to make these work.

    I was pretty inspired by these firebugs Richard did on Somewhere on the Border

    Avatar photocmnash

    Have you looked at Pendraken’s dungeon monsters range:


    Probably some in there that will appeal …


    Avatar photoRhoderic

    I hesitate to mention the beastmen, snakemen and lizardmen from Eureka’s 10mm range as there’s a chance they may be too diminutive even for goblin-sized mobs in 15mm. But I just did.

    Avatar photojagannath

    Thanks both – hadn’t thought of Pendraken, I’ll have a look.

    – I’ve actually got some of those Snakemen for a theoretical 10mm ‘Barbarians vs. Snakemn’ project I considered briefly. They’re not as tiny as you might think, so may be worth a go. I’ll dig them out later – thanks!

    Avatar photoMike

    Blimey, did you have that list pre-typed?! 

    Ha, no, just things I had been thinking about for my own games.
    Is it you that is doing the ruined giant city board or is that Stroezie?

    Avatar photojagannath

    Cyclopean ruins? Yeah, me -in theory-. Still looking for the right bits to make that, so that’s a while away. As the caves are finished and so is my wilderness desert terrain (including an entrance to the caves) I’m focussing on those bits first. I do really want to make those cyclopean ruins though… hmmm…..

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    ahhh, I was thinking about ideas for the ruins.

    What about some ScorpionMen and stuff:


    Or for something a bit more Exotic, the Alternate Armies Japanese style stuff HERE

    Avatar photocmnash

    ahhh, I was thinking about ideas for the ruins. What about some ScorpionMen and stuff: HERE Or for something a bit more Exotic, the Alternate Armies Japanese style stuff HERE

    How about giant scorpionmen? Well giant for 15s that is … they fall down on the cyclopean part though …



    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Have you looked at Splintered Light miniatures?  They have some monsters that you may like.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photojagannath

    ahhh, I was thinking about ideas for the ruins.

    Ooh yeah? What thoughts? I was thinking of picking up the Fougou terrain ruins to dip my toe in the water.

    – thanks, whilst I’m looking more for ‘critters’ a giant Scorpion person might be quite fun actually – has a distinct Harryhausen edge.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Ooh yeah? What thoughts? I was thinking of picking up the Fougou terrain ruins to dip my toe in the water.

    Well it would need to be something significant to drive out the original inhabitants.
    The next thing is, are they still here?
    I was thinking maybe something that dwells under the sand, worms are the obvious answer, but it could be something else.
    If it was nasty poisonous worms that struck, like some sort of plague/unnatural swarm, maybe they are now dormant.
    Maybe the new folks will start to awaken them.

    Maybe the settlers will start getting picked off.
    Maybe a few will suss this out and live up high and make shelter on tops of ruined columns with rope bridges between one hut and the next.

    Maybe Black Lotus is spread all over the place and it causes men to go mad, the resulting hallucinations could make anyone look like anything.
    That man with a horned helmet may seem like a minotaur, so why not use a minotaur model?

    Just random musings really.

    Avatar photocmnash

    Fougou terrain ruins

    OOh  I’d not heard of them before – thanks! That ruin set looks like it’ll be great for one of (many  ) shelved projects

    Fougou terrain ruins to dip my toe in the water. @cmnash – thanks, whilst I’m looking more for ‘critters’ a giant Scorpion person might be quite fun actually – has a distinct Harryhausen edge.

    It would, wouldn’t it? I hadn’t even thought of that … facepalm!


    Avatar photocmnash

    something that dwells under the sand

    Tremors anyone?

    Maybe Black Lotus is spread all over the place and it causes men to go mad

    Ah, but is it Stygian? I hear that’s the best … (watched Conan the Barbarian last night!)

    Some great ideas there Michael


    Avatar photoStroezie

    Well if you’re looking for creepy crawlies how about:

    Crawling grubs from Mick Yarrow Miniatures


    Or terror mites from Rebel Minis


    If you want smaller swarm type bugs GZG’s 6mm Mini-bugs work great as dog sized beetles in 15mm


    Man I really should put some paint on those magnets I added to these little critters.

    Well that’s all I’ve got for you today, I may have some more for you tomorrow but I’ll have to track them down in my “list of  links to interesting critters that might prove usefull someday”.



    Avatar photojagannath

    Thanks folks – there’s some cool ideas here I’ll start shopping for.

    The original inhabitants of the city have degenerated over the years – there are still some inhabiting the ruins in a feral state (I’ve got the minis for thos already sorted – it’s the Lucid Eye chaps further down the thread).

    My hot foam cutter just arrived so this afternoon I’ll try and squeeze in some time to start on the canyon board/rickety bridge idea. Need to do some calculations and work out he most effective use of the one pice of blue foam I’ve got.

    Avatar photojagannath

    Hiay all,

    Decided to take a few pics of everything I’ve painted in the past year…here’s what i wrote on the blog:

    I’m starting to get my brain into gear for this season of Lead Painters’ League on LAF (assuming it’s on this year), and that got me thinking about everything I’ve produced since the start of the last one.

    One of the things I enjoyed about LPL was that the ‘pressure’ of keeping up a consistent flow of minis at a high standard (debatable) forced me to learn a few things – it’s where I started pushing my highlights further, using less washes and more layering (because of the drying time) and got my desert basing formula down to a tee. It’s really where my consistent 15mm Sci-Fi project ‘started’.
    Admittedly it’s not the most minis in the world, and I’m sure there’s painters out there who could produce this in a month (though, in all fairness, it’s not the only stuff I’ve painted) but it’s a nice and consistent cast of minis, which is all I wanted it to be. So this year, there’ll be plenty more 15mm sci-fi groups, plus a lot more 15mm Fantasy.

    Here’s the fantasy batch (not the easiest thing to take pics of):

    and I’ll be posting my sci-fi batch on my other thread: http://www.thewargameswebsite.com/forums/topic/jagannaths-15mm-sci-fi/

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    Oh man, these look really cool.  There painted to an awesome standard as well.

    Avatar photoMike

    Very tidy. Are they arranged as good guys, neutral dudes then bad guys?

    Avatar photojagannath

    Haha yeah I guess so – I had intended the picts I painted to be bandits, but I’m not entirely certain they work like that…

    Avatar photojagannath


    My very lovely Crom’s Anvil order arrived – actually wish I’d ordered a touch more!

    I want to make a board with a central cobbled(ish) road, something like the road on this:

    or the cobbled bits from Matakishi’s excellent Agon board here:

    My thinking being that if I scatter a few ruined columns around, we’ve suddenly got an ancient temple site, where as if I place my buildings around, it’s the road through town.

    The tricky bit that that I’d like it to run corner to corner – I always think that terrain set up on the diagonal looks better… BUT that makes part 3 of my current terrain plan tricky…

    I want the big mycenean gateway from Baueda

    For fights outside the gates of ancient city states – it might be harder to get that to sit if I model the road on at a diagonal. TO be honest these flat art panel boards are so cheap and easy to store, maybe I’ll just make a seperate one for the city gates (with the wall and gates permanently stuck on). Decisions!

    First though, I need to build my town!

    By the way, I bought a lovely cart from Donnington New Era, which I was going to link to, but the site is down :/

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    My thinking being that if I scatter a few ruined columns around, we’ve suddenly got an ancient temple site, where as if I place my buildings around, it’s the road through town.

    Good plan.

    Acccck temptation and distractions, a curse on you sir!

    Avatar photojagannath

    Hahaha well this plan will only last until you reveal your next Cromfunder terrain piece!

    D’you know what it is – I hate stuck down roads, but I feel like an ambiguous road/track down the middle of a board is very useful.

    I’d also like to make a small board that represents the top of a wide bridge (so not actually elevated above anything), something like this

    I could use your walls AB along the edge actually, though that would mean making a cobbled or bricked floor for the bridge.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Hmmmm so what you need are some commercially available resin sections of raised ground that contain some hap hazard old worn and broken stones?

    Say maybe two sorts so you can alternate pieces and swap ends thus giving you four different looking sections?

    Avatar photocmnash

    TO be honest these flat art panel boards are so cheap and easy to store, maybe I’ll just make a seperate one for the city gates (with the wall and gates permanently stuck on).

    Hi jagannath, Where did you get those boards from? do you have a blog post about them?


    Avatar photojagannath

    haha well, that’s an interesting idea! Imagine the join though?! Ugh! I think that’s the type of thing you really have to just knuckledown and make… happy to be proved wrong though!

    Though, if you were taking votes here’s the stuff I reckon would be useful (now that I’ve actually placed an order I’m more comfortable suggesting!)

    *Maybe an alternative to that Baueda set *if* you thought you could be competitive (not sure how that price would stack up).
    *Ruins scatter terrain (I reckon you could riff off your already cast columns), something to set the context of the ruined temple.
    *Whatever the desert version of a keep is – a bit like a broch. Maybe ruined? A sort of focal point for a terrain board.
    *Some sort of statue (though maybe there’s plenty of those already out there).

    *city state guards/thugs. Plenty out there, nothing quite perfect. 5 is the perfect group number. A bit like the Perry Seljuk’s, which are perfect other than the teardrop shields (all shields must always be plain and round and painted or bronze! MUST!!)
    *A Snide guy (who could work as a cultist or an assassin).
    *Slightly more ‘arabian’ feel hero (though you mentioned that’s what Erland might look like?)
    *a Djinn!
    *some wraith type chaps
    *15mm snakemen

    I’d order all of that immediately!!

    Avatar photojagannath

    @cmnash – They’re from jackson’s art supplies and are 20mm deep:


    I love them. My small cave board

    Is a plain 30×30 (I usually use skirmish rules for 28mm, converting inches to CM so a 30×30 is the equivalent of over a 2×2 board).

    I’ve got 3 more of those 30×30 (they’re only £6!), the town board up there is a 45×45, I’ve got a 60×60 to do something impressive with one day and a 90×90, that I use on trestle legs as my ‘table’ (usually with a smaller board or mat on top). Great products. The 90×90 is braced at the back too to prevent warping.

    Avatar photocmnash

    That is a great looking board jagannath – and thanks for the link. I may well invest in some of them!


    Avatar photojagannath

    Admittedly it’s not as cheap if you want a bigger one. That 30×30 board cost me about £15/£20 and took about 3 hours all in all, not a major investment.

    Avatar photoMike

    I use these, not as cheap?

    Total System Scenic

    But they are dead light and do not warp, not sure if those wooden ones do or will?



    Avatar photoOldBen1

    Great ideas, I imagine the final board will look great!  I like what Makatishi did with the columns and the road.  You could always mount the road on some very thin card like matting  and remove it when you’re not using it.

    My village will be more European I’m afraid to match my more LOTR set up.  I’m a little jealous of all these Adobe villages!


    Avatar photoMike

    You could always mount the road on some very thin card like matting  and remove it when you’re not using it.

    Maybe get some cotton and glue on the tiles and then use caulk or something flexible to build it up.
    That way it will be thin and maybe even a touch bendy if you have hills or what not?

    Avatar photojagannath

    Shipping’s spendy from TSS though innit? I’m sure that’s what put me off.

    I also like frames because I hang them on the wall – looks like abstract art!

    Avatar photojagannath

    You could always mount the road on some very thin card like matting and remove it when you’re not using it.

    Maybe get some cotton and glue on the tiles and then use caulk or something flexible to build it up.
    That way it will be thin and maybe even a touch bendy if you have hills or what not?

    It’s funny the things in wargaming that bother people and don’t isn’t it? Someone asked me why I paint my base edges black t’other day – didn’t they stand out to me, and I realised I liked them (always have since seeing some in the 2nd edition Codex Chaos) and don’t even notice the big black edges, whereas a placed-on road (even a thin, flexible, caulk one) would drive me mad! Same with joined terrain boards – I hate that centre seam.

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    It’s often style over gamability.  Having a grid underneath makes playing so much easier, but looks unrealistic.  Black rimmed bases frame the miniature, but often stand out on a lighter board.  What can you do, it’s make believe anyways?

    Avatar photoThomaston

    Cobbled road is interesting and might be what I need to make towns look more like towns instead of big villages.

    The tough part is to make the terrain blend into the board and fit size wise and not look awkward. My solution for tough problems that worked well so far is – CHEAT.

    Going to try sculpt some cobbled road sections as a proof of concept. They’ll be similar to jigsaws so they can be placed inline for convincing road or further apart for more worn down ruins. IT could come out looking like a  pile of rubble.


    Here’s the result. There’s some warping but not much. Shot and wide seems to work best, long and thin looks weird.

    15mm, 6mm and 3mm for scale. Painting these the same color as your board would probably make them blend in very well.


    Avatar photojagannath

    Those are very good, that’s a good approach.

    I think I’ll still model them onto the board, much like the Matakishi terrain I posted, quite like the permanence and my recent terrain kick is to make small, quite specific boards.

    Avatar photojagannath

    AB kindly let me buy some pillars (from the temple set) so, like the ungrateful man I am, I took a hammer to them earlier!

    I need to make a few paving slabs on the base later, and a couple of rocks, but this is a good start to my ruin scatter terrain.

    I also cut up 2 pillars into individual slabs, so I need to base a up a few more columns with just the odd slab on the base.

    I’ve got a lot of terrain painting in my near future!

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