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    Avatar photoThuseld

    Right well now I can remove “angel barracks” from my searches. Thanks for the scatter though. Just trying to branch away from green. I want it more generic, but not just painted grey.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    So, I have the urge to make a Junker building of some sort…  but what?

    I kind of want to make a huge towering Junker skyscraper that is just a giant pile of stuff, but wonder how much of a folly it would be?

    Avatar photoBozz

    It would be total and complete folly!!

    That said, I must have one and demand to see a prototype! 😉

    "You will NOT call me sir! I actually WORK for a living"
    - Every drill-sergeant ever

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    When you say “huge” do you mean “huge” or do you mean “huge for 6mm” or “huge compared to any 6mm terrain out there” ?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    When you say “huge” do you mean “huge” or do you mean “huge for 6mm” or “huge compared to any 6mm terrain out there” ? 🙂

    I am no longer sure.
    I was thinking about using a takeaway coffee cup as the skeleton for the build, is that the last two?

    Avatar photoEarther

    Sort of like a jury-rigged atmosphere processor thing?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Sort of like a jury-rigged atmosphere processor thing?

    More a big pilo’crap.

    So coffee cup sized, with maybe a gantry or two hanging out from the edges with cranes and cables hanging down.
    Maybe a lift uses one of the gantry cables?

    Some posh penthouse type thing on the top, or maybe a landing pad up there.

    Some ladders and stairs and platforms sticking out from the side.

    It started off as something, maybe a crashed ship or summat, then rather than build out, they built up.
    The RDF have no flying stuff so it would mean any attackers would have to fight their way inside and then upwards.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    kinda like this but a touch better  😉


    Avatar photoThuseld

    That looks promising. I wish I kept all my rubbish.

    Avatar photojagannath

    I’ve got a half formed 6mm Ork project on the go at the moment (like Gorkamorka but not skirmish) and I’d love to make a massive gargant, downed spaceship or other such behemoth that’s been turned into an orky-shanty. What about some sort of junker equivalent?

    Like this gargant assembly site:

    Maybe a power station? Or part of a downed ship? Sorry, don’t know the Junkers fluff enough.

    I keep meaning to buys one of these and 6mm-ify it


    Avatar photojagannath

    Sorry – just seen that’s there’s been a few more replies than I’d noticed. Looks like we’re on a similar page AB!

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I like the looks of that so far Mike.  As most ships would probably have their decks aligned like a skyscraper (thrust would be”down”, flips at the halfway point to decelerate so the force would still be “down”) it makes sense if this were part of a crashed or defunct space vessel.  I’d say “no” to the landing pad on top, but if not a posh penthouse then maybe a comm relay?  Or maybe it’s a TV or propaganda transmission site?  Or maybe it is indeed like apower plant.  Sort of like this?:

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Thanks for the eye candy.
    The 6 week school holidays are almost ended which means I can get back to making stuff.
    I am currently limited in what I do in that everything needs to fit within the setting of Kometenmelodie, however there is a new page on the site that will be getting lots of love over the coming weeks…

    It is sneaked in HERE 

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Oh, looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the new category 🙂


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    So…. starting a rough idea thingy.
    A sort of rocky outcrop with a dirt road leading up to the top.
    The rectangular hole will have a drop in section.
    The idea is to make a number of drop in pieces, the first idea I had will be a sort of bunker thing that could be a preppers fort, a remote space cop police station, a patrol base or something like that.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    That is a really clever idea there.

    Avatar photoTrencher

    Oh, this looks interesting.

    Tank Polo? God, how our gardener hated that game!

    Avatar photojagannath

    Pretty cool –
    Perfect Six do a pretty good fantasy outcrop with a similar idea. I really wish I could catch the 6mm skirmish bug, there’s such good stufff here.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I (and I suspect they/him) totally nicked the idea from Total Battle Miniatures.

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    I like the idea, so much potential in a piece like this!

    Avatar photoStroezie


    Good to see the scifi stuff get some love again 

    Avatar photogreg954

    Very useful piece, good call.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Soooooo. Yeah.

    I have sold my 6mm sci-fi range.


    Avatar photoStroezie

    Whoa, that went fast!

    But then, it is an exelent range

    Be sure to let us know when it arrives at its new home.

    (I just realised I don’t have a copy of Janes’ )



    Avatar photoThuseld

    Glad it is going to a good home.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    And here it is, the last ever 6mm sci-fi order I am shipping.

    Journey well little dudes.


    Avatar photocmnash


    Avatar photoMike

    All this and more is for sale, see HERE

    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    Wow, the end of an era. I hope you find another 6mm fix in the future 🙂

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    A few items are now appearing on their new home at CP Models.

    Go check them out!


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Boom like a dirty wizard raising forth a foul reanimated corpse of loviness, the topic is back!!

    Mark at CP Models wants me to make some desert buildings to add to the KR 16 range.

    So  I have some ideas, but do you have any 6mm desert buildings you want to see?

    Maybe a selection of town buildings, maybe 6mm sci-fi versions of my 15mm ones?
    Maybe a farmstead out in the deep dunes?
    Maybe summat else?

    Avatar photoAlan Millicheap

    If you’d said this a couple of months ago I would have had a list. however I’ve finished the project with one exception – flat bed trucks

    I know you do the Bullfrog amphibious pick up truck but I’m looking for something bigger to put stuff such as a mortar + crew on board

    Scotia-Grendel do a lovely truck but it has a cargo and I can’t be bothered to hack them around


    Avatar photoMike

    The Brigade Models flat beds too small?

    Avatar photoAlan Millicheap

    Do they do wheeled flat beds – I thought that they were all grav

    Got a code pls?

    Avatar photoMike
    Avatar photoMike

    See them HERE for sizes

    Avatar photoAlan Millicheap

    Ta for both links – I think that I will buy a few of the Scotia lorries and have a go at hacking them

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    6mm Sci-fi desert buildings… oh yes, I can think of many many many needs!  There are already quite a few desert dwelling options out there, especially with Brigades new launches, but what there is a lack of are Industrial and commercial buildings.  Those would be present everywhere, not just in a desert, but in a desert setting I would think they would need an aesthetic much different to a more temperate setting.  Be the first!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoSteelonsand

    Seconding the need for industrial/commercial buildings – something a bit more ‘clean’ and hard-scifi – ish than the scavengery/Junkersy items that are very well covered by the existing range?

    next would be some truly Alien structures – bug eyed homes for bug eyed aliens – curves, swoops, organics outgrowths and protuberances, no straight Eartho/Terran-centric lines….. I think there is a bit of a gap in the market there, as no-one really does them in 6mm – there was a long OOP line once that had some – by Snapdragon (?) or someone?

    just my 2 quatloos….. 




    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Done yet?  😉

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

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