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    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Soooo, I’ve mentioned my Ma.K stuff a few times, but here’s a pic of what I’ve worked up in 6mm in 3d for the SAFS Mk1 and Raccoons.

    6mm SAFS

    12 poses for the SAFS and 6 for the Raccoon (including some with Panzerfaust).  Not sure if I will do SAFmkIII and Raptors yet, we will have to see how these print up.  But the Krote, PaK Krote and AFSmkII are done and am almost done with the PKA, Gustav and Konrad.  Also have some Sandstalkers and Dollhouse in various stages of completion.  Lots more to do!  Photos will arrive as they are done.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

    Good news!

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    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Would also like to see SDR ones – like Melusine PzKpa. Suits.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Can we get these in 3mm, too?

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photojagannath

    Dude – they’re beautiful!

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    These are nice, looks accurate as well.

    I want 3mm as well but I doubt the ankle and elbow joints will survive handling.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    Oh great, another thing to have to spend my money on. Those are absolutely stunning.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Would also like to see SDR ones – like Melusine PzKpa. Suits.

    Oh yes, will get there eventually.  I have scribbled a horrible little set of rules for myself based on the old TCI SF3D boardgames (since those stats are “official”) and I am starting with the shared and early designs first, then will move later into the timeline.  So, no Mel or Raptors or SturmKampfers for a while yet.

    Oh great, another thing to have to spend my money on. Those are absolutely stunning.

    Thanks man!  Won’t be able to sell them due to IP (and I do respect Mr Yokoyama very much), so just for personal use (if they even print!).

    These are nice, looks accurate as well.

    Have tried very hard to keep them as accurate as I can without overdoing it but also making them detail readable.  In truth, they (especially the AFS) are way too chunky.  The Krote’s legs are waaaay thicker than scale will allow, but no other way to keep them from snapping when you breath on them…  The vehicles will be much easier to keep to scale.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Damn shame, but one doesn’t want to infringe on others’ property. My own deep affection for Yokoyama’s work is pretty obvious in my comics.

    The old TCI rules are actually pretty good, to be honest – and they point up the idea of a single suit being more than the equal of a tank. Would be interested to see what you do with lesser known units from SF3D, like the Ravin or Y-15 tank.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    You may also find this site useful, if you haven’t seen it already:


    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Oh yes, I know that site well.  It’s what helped me stat up a lot of units (as it has that nice table as well as the dates when things are introduced!)  And it’s great that the rules can be found in a single PDF for both editions.

    For the Ravin, Seduce, and Makel I will use some of my DS 6mm stuff (though the Makel will be played by a 4-wheeler I am going to release soon), but the Y-15/PzKw-182 will be the same (new) design with slightly different turrets.  Then I can do 2 new turrets to get the Dollhouse R and AA, and use the DHAA turret for the Green Buffalo!  (and wouldn’t you know I already have the guns on the Venturian AA tank, so another easy thing down!)

    I’m actually kind of excited about doing a Schenkle, I had one in 1/76 at one point but traded it for a power head for a marine aquarium I had at the time.  Regerts I do have…  It won’t be able to do much as time evolves in the campaign, but it’ll look cool!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I find a decent Y-15 proxy is had by putting an M60A2 “Starship” tank turret on an M26 Super Pershing tank hull.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I could totally see that working!

    The DH is supposed to take the Y-15 hull and widen it for the rocket turret, but that’s a bit too much work for me…

    Also, will probably be a real heretic and make my 232 Sandstalker with a symmetrical hull rather than the offset turret.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    So here’s an early version of the Krote and Pak Krote with WIP PKA and multi-sides of the AFSmkII.  Since this was done I’ve made the AFS a little less chunky, and done a long-barrel version of the PakKrote.  The back of the head is totally different for the 2 versions, wish I had taken a shot of that at the time.  I”ll get a better image in a week or so when I get back from out of town.


    And here are the almost-done SDR bubbleheads.  I’m hoping they come out well enough in print to be able to tell the types apart!  After the thin base has been added they will end up being about 9mm tall.  This puts them in scale with my DS 6mm infantry which will be used as the canon-fodder infantry.

    I may change the Konrad a little to have a more projecting canopy like the newest version of the big model.


    I know it’s not the original, but it will be easier to tell apart from a Gustav as well as looking more like a stepping stone to the Melusine.   Maybe I am going to far for 6mm size?  Part of me worries, part of me doesn’t care!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Listen to the part that doesn’t care. Those are awesome pieces! Some of the upcoming Dieselpunk tanks from Microworld look like they’d suit the purpose very well, too, so an open mind will enrich your games.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Go the GHQ route, put individual bolts and cables on the models 😀

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Some of the upcoming Dieselpunk tanks from Microworld look like they’d suit

      Ooo, where can I see those?

    Go the GHQ route, put individual bolts and cables on the models

    I would love to make these as accurate as possible with the hoses and all, but a lot of that stuff doesn’t turn out in print at this scale.  If I were going to cast these then I would add all sorts of stuff to the masters, but that’d be adding a pretty big cost (molds and all) to what is supposed to be super cheap!  Maybe someday I can get a license and really do it right!  (I think it’s funny that a lot of Ma.K modelers call 1/76 “Braille Scale” as compared to the usual 1/20 scale models in the series and I’m over here doing 1/285th!)

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average


    They look to me like they could be good Shutoral ground vehicles, superheavy tanks, early war stuff before the Hovers arrived, and some of the service vehicles used as “technicals” by the Mercenaries or the Free Colonies.

    And yes, I prefer the earlier, poorly-transliterated form “Shutoral” over “Strahl.” I’m hard core.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    And yes, I prefer the earlier, poorly-transliterated form “Shutoral” over “Strahl.” I’m hard core.

    I usually just use SDR to avoid the whole argument (I’ve seen 12 page forum threads that get acidic over all of that!)

    Here’s pair of shots of the 2nd Gustav pose I’ve worked up (the first being just a plain old boring standing pose).


    Hope to hear soon how the SAFS print as that’ll give me some guidelines as to what poses work and which are to difficult.  (I’m sure I have more than a few that are too complex).

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Nice Gustav! And yes, people who don’t call it the “Shutoral Demokratische Republik” have every right to be incorrect if they want to be. 😉

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Nice Gustav! And yes, people who don’t call it the “Shutoral Demokratische Republik” have every right to be incorrect if they want to be.


    And here’s the classic Heinrich standing pose!  (Might do classic PKA claws at some point if this prints well)


    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Are you just planning to go straight from printer to tabletop or will you cast these for yourself?

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    At the moment i think I am going straight the table.  It will truly be determined when the figs are printed, seeing how much detail shows.  I doubt that I will need these figures in the numbers to justify casting.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    “Need” is a weak word.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Nice detals on the back. How wide is the base? It looks pretty big.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    IIRC it is 4.5mm or so.  And not for any good reason… bit of a goof as I basically made it the width of the widest of the first poses I made (SAFS at full run) plus a shmidge.  What I should do is make it a standard size for ease of scaling the figures on the print bed and use it on all of the poses. (of which there are way too many!)

    Height wise, the fully good posture erect SAFS is 9mm from bottom of base (which is about 800um thick) to top of sensor nub.  All poses are derived from the base dude, so will be shorter due to bent legs, torso leans, etc.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I’ve been finding minis cast with 4.5mm bases work well – you want to make sure smaller figures have a lower center of gravity or they end up all over the place. Even on group bases they’re a pain to glue down, handle, etc.

    By the way, Microworld stocked, and then immidately sold out of, their retro dieselpunk range. Less than 24 hours! Worth watching though – neatly SF3D-compatible vehicles seem to be the order of the day with that line, there – I got a few packs of their first releases just minutes before the sold out.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    their retro dieselpunk range

      ya, been watching that.  Looks to be great for several of the Ghibli-esque worlds.

    Seems the exported STLs are having issues, probably relate to needing to reinstall my exporter and also setting the units up differently.  The bases are 8mm in diameter, which should be a bit more stable or provide a little more surface to glue to a penny or whatnot.  Going to give it another try this eve.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I finally bought a 3d printer for home, and settled on the Epax X1.  Super easy to use and has given some decent results.  I don’t plan on using it for making masters, just for prototyping and making sure things  work before spending on having masters pro-printed.

    That said, my first 2 sets of prints have been run successfully!  The first run was a couple sets of AFS mkII in 4 poses, Krote and PaK Krote.  Second set was PKA -H (Heinrichs) in 3 poses, Grief and Jerry.  They came out well, a little soft though.  Not sure if that is my settings or the limits of printing something so small.  But what are words without crappy pictures?  So here they are:


    As you can see, not very crisp, and the color of the resin makes it hard to discern detail.  BUT, you can see the canopy lines on the Heinies and chicken walkers.  My dad just passed away, but after I have dealt with some affairs I will do a slapdash paint jobbie on some of these and decide if I am going to stick with home-grown (literally) or send them out for pro-printing (which could make each 6mm figure about $5-$8!  May not be worth it).

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Those prints came out really well. I’m looking forward to seeing them painted and possibly some insight on the choice of orientation and result.

    Looks like a lot of the joint details made it through.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Next stop: Operation Faserei.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    possibly some insight on the choice of orientation and result.

      Indeed.  So far these were just prints to see if the machine actually worked, and I do plan on running a set of each type that is perhaps 4 or 6 groups, each at different orientations to see what comes out best.  These were all done on a slight angle, but I know some of the AFS have back details that didn’t come out.  Will probably also use more but smaller supports.

    Next stop: Operation Faserei.

      Ha!  Almost!  I have dragooned a couple friends into playing a short campaign that will be set in a”quiet” sector starting early in the war.  This way we can add new equipment to the games as we go along (and as I model and print them!).  I think I’ve mentioned that some of my DSG stuff will act as stand-ins (like the Cobra/Python MBTs working at Ravin tanks), but I to knock out some Sandstalkers, type69 hover trucks and JF/PK40 fighters before we can start.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    At some point I’ll have to do a write up about the campaign and the rules, map, etc.  But for now here are the starting forces for each side in this zone as of 6/2884:


    Schenkel x2, AFS mkII x20, AFS Engineer x4, Y-15 tank x5, Green Buffalo X2, Sandstalker type F x4, Sandstalker type M x6, Seduce AFV x4, Infantry squad x30, Sph69 transport x10, truck transport x10, AFS Chiaki x4, JF40s x8


    HQ x2, PKA H x30, PKA Engineer x4, Krote x10, Pak Krote x4, Makel AFV x10, Makel Arty x4, Pnz 182 tank x6, Santstalker type F x4, Sandstalker type M x4, Infantry squad x30, Sph69 transport x16, PJ40 x12


    Points and numbers wise the SDR have the edge, but the Mercs will have better trained troops.  A lot of SDR troops will be tied up in garrison and patrol duties while the Mercs will have a freer hand with offensive operations until things start to heat up.  We are thinking that a lot of these battles will be skirmishy with less than 20 units on the field, but there very may well be some big rows (which I really look forwards to once some of the more advanced units get involved!).  Still a ways off, but marching forwards.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I’m deeply envious!

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    A friend thinks my prints look “soft” because I may have left them in the alcohol bath too long.  DOH!  Yup, that melt them a little…

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMike

    ahhhhh hope so, as that would be an easy fix.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I think it’s more likely that the printer just might not have the resolution, or perhaps a different resin might do better.  Much experimenting to do!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Managed to get sharper prints by lowering the light exposure time per layer.  BUT, also had some delaminations of layers, which I think might be due to support failures rather than the exposure time.  Or the 2 might be linked.  More testing to come…

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Are there such thing as dynamic exposure time? Setting so smaller areas get more light/exposure/intensity than edges of larger areas. Then again I don’t have any experience with that kind fo printer.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Are there such thing as dynamic exposure time? Setting so smaller areas get more light/exposure/intensity than edges of larger areas. Then again I don’t have any experience with that kind fo printer.

    Not with this DLP printer, though there is a separate setting for the bottom layers of the raft/plate interface.  I’ll run another experiment tonight while I work on the Sandstalkers after messing with some greenstuff on my Burning Sands guys.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

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