Home Forums Sci Fi 6mm Sci-Fi My (not so) secret Ma.K obsession

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    Avatar photoMr. Average

    The Dollhouse is my favorite SF3D unit. You mentioned above that you weren’t 100% on the turret? I think it looks a touch small, and the radome on the front should smooth into the cylinder a bit more so it’s more like a smooth rise in the front instead of an applied “bump” on the surface.

    But that’s just me being critical. Frankly, it’s an amazing set no matter how you slice it!

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    You dont say..


    I’ll look forward to reading the AARs then!

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I think it looks a touch small, and the radome on the front should smooth into the cylinder a bit more so it’s more like a smooth rise in the front instead of an applied “bump” on the surface.

      Ya, I’m with ya, I think I have the top of the hull too high, but can’t mess with that without redoing the whole hull.  I think the turret could be 1mm taller.  Doing the radome like so was a conscious decision after some testing.  When blended more it tended to look like a printing error and do weird fractal things at the edges.  I once hand-made a model of the DH in 1/76 (before buying a Wonderfest kit) and it is waaaaay easier to get to look right by hand!  I do sort of like it having some definition though, will make painting a bit easier and adds a touch of character to my eye.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I’ll look forward to reading the AARs then!

      If you’d like I can try to whip up some overhead style AArs using photoshop or Roll20 screenshots?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Iliada’s “wasteland” buildings seem like the ideal companion, by the way.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I think it looks a touch small, and the radome on the front should smooth into the cylinder a bit more so it’s more like a smooth rise in the front instead of an applied “bump” on the surface.

    Ya, I’m with ya, I think I have the top of the hull too high, but can’t mess with that without redoing the whole hull. I think the turret could be 1mm taller. Doing the radome like so was a conscious decision after some testing. When blended more it tended to look like a printing error and do weird fractal things at the edges. I once hand-made a model of the DH in 1/76 (before buying a Wonderfest kit) and it is waaaaay easier to get to look right by hand! I do sort of like it having some definition though, will make painting a bit easier and adds a touch of character to my eye.

    Ah, I see the layers are perpendicular to the shape of the dome top and bottom.  I can see how that would get weird – probably way easier to just do it the way you did – in my world of small scale modelling insanity I’d correct with putty, but looking at the various model versions I see it done a lot of different ways – this could be the Y-615C, with an updated radome with a dropcast shell to improve armor resistance.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    this could be the Y-615C, with an updated radome with a dropcast shell to improve armor resistance.

      Could be, however I do believe that eh anti-lazer ceramics they added we actually installed on the inside, which I thought odd.  Now, they did stop production on the DH and Jerry for a bit when the IMA ramped up production on the SAFS, so this could even be a later “simplified” version?

    Waaaay too easy to geek out over the fictitious history and cannon! 

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    If you dont mid that sounds awesome, but only if you feel up for it!

    I’ll second Mr Average on the buildings from Ali as well 🙂

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I didn’t realize it’s been so long since I updated this topic!

    I was finally able to get these dainty beauties printed (though had to have a friend do it due to my exposure issues).  And wow are they delicate.  The landing gear go pinging off into the unknown reaches at the slightest mishandling. It going to be interesting painting them up…


    The other thing is a “sidewinder”, a fan design for  hover carrying AFS sort of like hiw the SDR uses the Spk69 to hover haul PKAs


    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMike

    Nice though, worth doing a mini diorama base to protect them?

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    For some of them maybe, as there needs to be both landed and flying versions, though tokens are used on the “dogfight-ground attack” card.  Landed ought to be easy enough as the bases could be tarmac airstrip types with ground crews, APUs and stuff.  Thanks Mike, I’m glad you planted that seed in my head!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Sigh. Ever the dilemma – printing is versatile but fragile! Those are beautiful Fledermaus models though!

    Avatar photoPaint it Pink

    Wow, it’s so lovely to see the progress on this project. Temptation must be put behind me, as I’m deep into making forces for my Gate Walker setting, which is my take on near future SF mecha combined arms, but these MAK look good.

    Behind me Satan with your shiny temptations!

    One is good, more is better

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Behind me Satan with your shiny temptations!

    Never such a thing as too many projects though, right?  😀

    Next up is Hornisse (already modelled, just have to print), Y-15/PzKw182 (just need the turret), Chiaki flyer,  Neuspotter (hard to do without it being super fragile), Krote Pioneer (need arms) and Nuttrocker II and print up some SAFS.  Debating about doing Green Buffalo as or not our campaign does not include them (IMA is using the sidewinders instead since this is a backwater sector).  That should wrap up 2883-84 units.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    This thread is packed full of amazing models and your detailing is fantastic.

    TBH I have no idea what Ma.K is or any of the vehicles or factions are, but they look cool

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photoPaint it Pink

    This thread is packed full of amazing models and your detailing is fantastic. TBH I have no idea what Ma.K is or any of the vehicles or factions are, but they look cool

    Google is your friend (not really, but search engines are helpful algorithm that likes to spy on you), but here’s some breadcrumbs: Maschinen Krieger ZbV 3000 and there is a FB group that covers modelling and some 15mm stuff.

    That should get you started.

    One is good, more is better

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    This thread is packed full of amazing models and your detailing is fantastic.

      Many thanks!  This particular subject is an illness that comes and goes with me at times absolutely obsessed (even digging into the “archeology” of what parts made up the original models) and at others trying hard to kick it.  Doesn’t help that I’m actually playing a campaign with 2 friends but so far it’s been slow so allowing me to work lazily.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    At long last I was able to get more of the Pk.40s printed up and color blocked.  I did a test paint for both factions and they came out ok so I blocked in the remainder.


    The SDR test came out a little darker than I wanted but not too bad.


    Same for the IMA ship, too dirty but it is a bit more striking in person.  The flight leaders have the perpendicular stripes while dedicated ground attack craft have the wing edge stripes.  The SDR have more planes than the IMA guys (and they also have the Pk41 jet/Heinrich combo that I am about to print), but the IMA also has a lot more AAA capable units, so it works out.  A little bit later in the war the IMA develops the Falke for air superiority and their Pk40s then switch to doing more ground attack.  That is, if the player decides to spend points on development (which I know he will).

    I have a couple of more unpainted Pk40s which will get dolled up as aces, and a couple more that broke or misprinted in various ways that will become crash tokens or scenery or objectives.

    Next to print will be SAFS, Gustavs and Nutrocker IIs!  Interestingly enough the SDR side has spent development points on Salamander ground attack jets, but also requisitioned a flight of Fireflies.  Not sure what the plan is there but I need to get modelling!


    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Many many times over, I have to say how awesome this is. And also, have you looked at Battle Suit Alpha from Wiley Games as a rule set for S.F.3.D.? I think it would work famously.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Many thanks!

    I’ll give BSA a look, I have Galactic Heroes (though not played it yet).  Might just work!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Well, I’ve gone and made a blog for our Ma.K campaign.  A bit bare at the moment, but it will get fleshed out over time.  As our games have been pretty far apart I will be supplementing the AAR and fluff with WIPS and such, much of what has been shown here already.  And of course I’ll keep tis topic fresh as things continue to develop.

    Blog linky: https://makwars.blogspot.com/

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMike

    Can you add a subscribe widget?
    I know of the blog, but did not know you had posted more since the first post…

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I think I’ve managed to add one.  Let me know if it works, please!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMike

    Ha Ha, you have, though I spoke in error, I meant follow.
    I don’t do RSS, though I suspect many do, Paint It Pink does IIRC.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Got it, good old follow button with list of followers (only option) applied.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    I think I’ve managed to add one. Let me know if it works, please!

    RSS (into Feedly) works.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    RSS (into Feedly) works.

      Excellent, thank you!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I was finally able to get one of our games written up, unfortunately we’re starting with game #3 as the first couple of games were played on a VTT and the screen shots didn’t come out.  Game #4 was also played on the VTT as it covered a larger area than our tables could show as well as having over 80 units on the table at once!

    Drop by the blog and see if the SDR can recover a wayward Major that is attempting to defect to the IMA with some potentially damaging information.

    SDR in the ridge

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMike

    That is a nice mat.
    Good playing time, though I still can’t get my head around the ‘backwards’ legs on the Krote.
    I can’t see how they don’t fall backwards when they lift one leg…
    Anyway, that is my problem not yours…

    Good game.

    I love Nutrockers.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Thanks Mike!  The mat is from War Sigil, he does some amazing looking stuff.  I’ve also got a grass mat from him that I use for 3mm Vietnam stuff.

    The Krotes… ya, they’re an awkward bunch.  According to Kow Yokoyama the actually hop, thus the name.  In truth, he thought it looked cool when he modeled/created them and didn’t worry about justification.  I do my best to ignore the situation too!  (same for how the power armor can supposedly run so fast, I figure the poor pilot would end up with the worst case of friction chaffing not to mention even being able to move his legs that fast!)

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Looks like a great game!  One of the toughest things for any game in the SF3D milieu is that single powered armor suits are supposed to be an even match for conventional armored vehicles in most circumstances, which defies the kind of visual logic upon which tabletop games are based. At 15mm scale and up, tanks are big so you have fewer of them and base your infantry individually. But this makes tanks a big use of space for not much major tactical advantage, while having a lot of suited infantry around is much like having every unit be a tank. At 6mm scale and lower your tanks are the main players and you base your infantry in squads, but a squad of SAFS suits in game terms would be an overwhelming concentration of firepower. It’s a very interesting challenge.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    One of the things about this particular game was that we kept rolling poorly for spotting and detection, right up until we were on top of each other!  In the first 2 games units were spotted much further out, the IMA lost a 222F to a 232M armed with a canon before they even knew they were there, and an AFS sniped an SDR tank from quite a distance without the target having a clue it was in danger.

    Pretty soon there will be a lot more ECM flying around when newer units are introduced, making things even more chaotic…

    One of the toughest things for any game in the SF3D milieu is that single powered armor suits are supposed to be an even match for conventional armored vehicles in most circumstances

    Indeed, and this is kind of pushed home when you see the write ups in Hobby Japan talking about “hunting companies” that only have 12-18 suits in them just like a modern tank company, with platoons being 4-6 suits.  Yet infantry platoons are still written as having 30-50 troops.  Sort of puts the power levels into perspective.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

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