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    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I was able to give Just Jack some new unused Twister Con 2015 6 sides dice to use in his KG Klink games. Maybe now the Germans will win some…..Oh and he is much taller and not as fat ass he looks. Had a great time talking with you Dude.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Kyote – “…not as fat ass he looks.”  Thanks man, thanks a lot, that’ll help 😉  In all seriousness, it was good talking to you too, and thanks for the dice.

    Guys – The first thing the Old Bastard says to me: “Wow, you’re taller and not as fat as I expected.”  Well, he’s as crazy as his Facebook photos lead you to believe, but he’s been gaming since before I was born 😉

    Good stuff, really enjoyed meeting a fellow gamer.  Now let me get back to posting my next batrep.


    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Such rudeness gentlemen. Let not girth, nor height nor eccentricities of dress or demeanor  come between two such kindred spirits. Embrace each other and then kick the sh&t out of each other in a friendly wargame to the death! Semper Bellum!

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Yeah, let’s go easy on the fat guys on a wargaming forum.
    Alienating your core audience and all 🙂

    Any pictures of the two of you together?

    (And Kyote has been gaming before all of us. He actually played Napoleons 100 days as the battles were happening)

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I am not quite that old..and I don’t game Nappys….at all. And really Just Jack is much taller and thinner in real life.  Forgot to have some one take a picture of us together…er he is taller and thinner than I am… Check out my facebook…. Now write that report and roll your new bones Just Jack.

    Oh and Rod I am know for blurting out things.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Of course I paid him to say that.  I even let him get away with calling me Thomas.

    That reminds me of another funny: when we spoke on the phone I said “hey, this is Jack.”  “Who?”  “It’s Jack.”  “Who?  Oh, it’s Just Jack.”  “No Kyote, it’s just Jack.”  :Is it Daniel?”  “No, McDaniel is my last name.  I’m Jack.”  “Yeah, Just Jack.”  “No, it’s Jack, you know, just Jack.”  “Yeah, Just Jack, from TMP.”  “No, uh, nevermind…”  😉

    And he tried to take a picture, I believe my ugly mug may have broken his camera.

    The batrep is up fellas, so quit messing around.


    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Thomas is his prison name.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Oh the Camera didn’t break and I did get a picture. It’s over on my facebook.  I have a Zvezda T-72M to put together and compare it with a QRF T-72. er also on my facebook.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Whats the link to your facebook?

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    It’s Jonathan Keepers Ivan….look for me in Oklahoma. Pic of me and my beautiful daughter Mary photo bombing me.

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    Kyote updates his gaming activities on facebook regularly!  I dip in here and there – I am not a big facebook user.

    Avatar photoMike
    Avatar photoWar Panda

    “…not as fat ass he looks.”

    …so he looks “fat ass”…. but he isn’t really? 🙂

    Jack you have a kind and a faithful friend there…

    But seriously, good to hear you guys could meet up for a chat 🙂

    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Had a good time talking with Just Jack.  I see you found me on facebook Ivan.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Apparently I do have a facebook login from some time ago.

    I never use it but I figure it’ll make it easier to see your stuff 🙂

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    You can pimp your rules on facbook………just saying…

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