- This topic has 163 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by Jim Jackaman.
19/11/2018 at 17:29 #104087cmnashParticipant
So Jim, are you going to use the Five Core rules as per the Sandbox ‘campaign expansion’ ?
19/11/2018 at 19:22 #104091Jim JackamanParticipantNo I’m going to use No End in Sight.
There’s a squad level variant that would work well with the Sandbox system and/or I will just do multiple squad / platoon level scenario based games, using the NEiS scenario generation and campaign system as it is.
I think.
19/11/2018 at 19:28 #104094Jim JackamanParticipantI couldn’t find the seller that I bought the trees from as it was prior to 2016, by a long way, and that’s as far back as eBay allowed me to look.
This seller is the one I think and has very similar tree packs on offer:
20/11/2018 at 14:02 #104161Jim JackamanParticipantI’ve now finished the fields, although one went in the bin after the Matt varnish ended up gloss. It looked a bit like a frozen pool of mud, which is fine were it not destined for an imaginary desert somewhere near the Arabian Gulf.
The various crops are made from artificial wire wool pads cut in half and glued down with PVA, which is taking ages to set despite use of my daughter’s hair dryer and much expletive Anglo Saxon encouragement. Mental note to self…get a glue gun.
The crops are a bit overscale for 15mm but that’s so I can use them for 20mm Mexican Revolution games too. I’m not sure what they’re growing but it will be a right bugger to harvest, whatever it is.
Looks like a bumper crop though, so the rebel tax collectors will be happy.
20/11/2018 at 17:17 #104179Jim JackamanParticipantRight.
Sort of at the half way point with this terrain project, so could go either direction from here.
I have got these things sorted:
Terrain Board – done
Buildings – most of them assembled but they need texturing and painting. That will be tedious!
Trees – Palm trees done and I can pinch the dead trees from my existing terrain box.
Hills – done
Oasis – done.
Fields – done.
Now, I think I still need the following:
Tracks – mdf roads in the post.
Streams / ditches – maybe?
Rocky outcrop scatter – mdf terrain templates in the post.
Urban scatter – still to work out. Got some telephone poles but that’s about it!
Linear features – walls, fences etc ?
Any other suggestions would be very helpful.
I don’t think I’m quite there yet but I’m not sure what’s missing from my view.
I’d really like to get on to painting some figures and vehicles now but also want to finalise the terrain before I go off on a figure painting tangent!
Thanks in advance for your ideas.
20/11/2018 at 20:28 #104191Jim JackamanParticipantOr, should I just crack on with painting the British infantry platoon and its transport?
I’m quite tempted to do this, rather than do more terrain bits, as I’m finding that they take up a lot of time for not much of a result, if you see what I mean?
The British platoon is already undercoated, so I could start on that straight away, but I’m waiting for some Humber Pigs, Landrovers, a Ferret and a Stalwart to arrive from QRF (still), before I can get all of the vehicles sorted.
Incidentally, I usually paint up from a black undercoat on both figures and vehicles, as you can see from these AK47 units:
However, I’m not sure this would work with the British vehicles as they are going to be in sand and green camouflage, which will be really dulled down by the black undercoat, even if I use a three layer approach.
I’d use a white or sand /khaki undercoat but that would be a pain to have to shade and pin wash to bring out the details?
Any suggestions about the best way to go about this (and the figures too, although I think I’ll stick with a khaki basecoat for those now, as that’s how they’ve been undercoated).
21/11/2018 at 08:24 #104223cmnashParticipantI think the deciding question would be, “Do you have enough terrain for a game?”
If the answer is “Yes”, then crack on with the figures as that’s what you want to do – so do that to keep your enthusiasm up
If it’s “No”, then do enough for a game and then start the figures.
As to terrain, how about some vehicles for your urban scatter? a tractor, lorry, etc.; either wrecks or runners and you could use them for AK47 as well?
And on the painting – I use Halfords grey for everything, so probably not well qualified to answer
21/11/2018 at 11:36 #104234SteelonsandParticipantSeconding Mr Nash here: would agree that moving on to some figs would be a good way to go – sounds to me like the terrain might be adequate for some initial skirmishes, and you don’t want to get bogged down on boring buildings when you can be doing cool minis – besides, we get to see the pretty photos of them then, too
Scenics-wise, maybe some ditches, gullies, wadi-type thingies might be needed eventually, as well as some rubble walls as field boundaries….. Perhaps the odd picturesque donkey or two…. Also maybe a road junction with checkpoint type affair? – need somewhere for those arms-smuggling camels to be looked over…..
The odd ‘Roman’ ruin could even put in an appearance – (the hideout of the rebels?) – plenty of ancient rubble littering the Near and Middle East – Leptis Magna and all that…..
For painting, I’m no expert, but would agree with a khaki base coat- maybe followed with a wash and then dry brush before painting in block colours over the top? – Deffo the black would be too much, IMO…..
21/11/2018 at 11:50 #104235Deleted UserMemberYou could switch back and forth between minis and terrain.
21/11/2018 at 16:05 #104279Darkest Star GamesParticipantI don’t think I’m quite there yet but I’m not sure what’s missing from my view
Goat fences? Old abandoned compounds/homes? Rusted out vehicles? Old wells along the ancient trade routes? What do you have for a wadii?
"I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."
21/11/2018 at 16:42 #104290Deleted UserMemberMinefield signs and burned out vehicles.
21/11/2018 at 17:51 #104299Jim JackamanParticipantGreat ideas. Really like the idea of a wadi…I’d thought of that but you’ve just convinced me. Also like the idea of some burnt out cars and a checkpoint too. Brilliant! I’ve got some goats and chickens somewhere and probably a donkey…have to find them now.
I think I may well get started on the figures first, otherwise I’ll get bogged down in mdf and filler again 😨
21/11/2018 at 20:50 #104308Jim JackamanParticipantThe basic village set up looks a bit like this at the moment…
…definitely needs some more scatter and stuff.
I may well make a pond or well, some haystacks and a grain store of some sort, having heard tales from my grandad about blowing them up in 1937-38 with old WW1 vintage Cooper bombs, assuming they didn’t drop off and self arm when he was taxiing across the airstrip to take off
22/11/2018 at 09:11 #104318cmnashParticipantHave you got any of the Crom’s Anvil scatter bits? I’ve got them and think that they are pretty good – probably exactly the sort of thing that you’re looking for …
In a similar vein, what about some of the animals from Minibits: http://www.minibits.net/animals/15mm-animals/
I’ll split some packs with you if there’s too many in them …
22/11/2018 at 19:56 #104362Jim JackamanParticipantYes they do look nice, especially the oven and market wares. Pay day tomorrow too
In other news my QRF Humber Pigs and SWB Land rover have finally turned up. Very nice too.
22/11/2018 at 20:54 #104369Jim JackamanParticipantThis is Cyprus but very much the look that I’m after for the Sandbox Skirmish project, complete with my new QRF Humber Pigs.
22/11/2018 at 22:03 #104371MikeKeymasterHave you got any of the Crom’s Anvil scatter bits? I’ve got them and think that they are pretty good – probably exactly the sort of thing that you’re looking for …
Cheers dude!
22/11/2018 at 22:07 #104372MikeKeymaster23/11/2018 at 22:01 #104422Jim JackamanParticipant24/11/2018 at 13:24 #104452Jim JackamanParticipantLoads of bits and bobs arrived in the post today, much to the annoyance of SWMBO, who has now banned any more toys until after Xmas.
Bah Humbug!
These included some road and terrain templates from Supreme Littleness Designs…which are excellent!
Even more excellent than that, Michael has resized and laser cut a 15mm version of his amazing desert fort ruin for me, for which I am very grateful, as it looks super cool! (it’s actually an 18/20mm version but scales really well with the Peter Pig figures)
There’s also a diecast Westland Wessex but one of the rotor blades has snapped off, so I’ll have to fix it.
Loads to do now but the figures still need painting!
More on the blog: https://jimswargamesworkbench.blogspot.com/search/label/Sandbox%20Skirmish
24/11/2018 at 20:02 #104474Jim JackamanParticipantMichael has now sent me the instructions for assembling the ruined fort kit, so I will hopefully put it together tomorrow, if I get all the DIY done first
…and don’t get told off for ‘playing with my toys’
25/11/2018 at 11:27 #104487Jim JackamanParticipantReading this now…really interesting and obviously right up my street for this project.
25/11/2018 at 16:46 #104504Jim JackamanParticipantI’ve been thinking of the possible scenarios that I could set up for this project, which is focussed on a post colonial, retreat from empire, counter insurgency operation, in an as yet indeterminate ‘imagi-nations’ location, not unlike East Africa or South Arabia.
So far the list looks a bit like this, with all missions being set for the British platoon but with matching objectives, victory conditions etc for the rebels:
-Setting an Ambush.
-Intercepting supply lines.
-Capturing arms caches.
-Hearts and Minds.
-Escorting a supply column.
-Night patrol.
-Night raid on rebel camp.
-Rescue the downed pilot.
-Blow up the downed aircraft.
– Recover the mined AFV
-Mine / IED clearance.
-Escort the visiting politician / journalists.
-Rescue the ex-pat oil workers / missionaries / journalists.
-Helo Air assault on rebel held village.
-Find the rebel leader.
-Protect the civilians villagers from rebels attack.
-Road block traffic search.
-Punitive raid to confiscate livestock / crops.
-Stop rebel infiltration across border line.
-Link up with / insert / extract Special Forces.
-Infiltrate across border to set traps / mines.
-Blow up a bridge / railway / road in rebel area (not sure why but why not?)
– as above but repair.
-Capture prisoners for interrogation.
-Defend supply dump, forward base, polling station, oil refinery, radio station or whatever.
-Amphibious raid on rebel coastal strip.
-Field test the new bit of kit (..Scorpion tanks!)
-Find that camel!
…and whatever else you can think of to fill in any gaps that I’ve missed.
Any ideas would be very welcome.
25/11/2018 at 21:59 #104517grizzlymcParticipantConvey prisoner from A to B
26/11/2018 at 08:14 #104535Jim JackamanParticipantGood idea. Hadn’t thought of that. Thanks.
26/11/2018 at 08:15 #104536Jim JackamanParticipantForgot medevac.
26/11/2018 at 08:30 #104537cmnashParticipant.
26/11/2018 at 17:30 #104580Darkest Star GamesParticipantCure for broken helo blade: use clear acrylic or plastic rotor discs!
For scenarios: you can also do a non-combat one where the troop comes across an overturned farm animal truck and must herd up all of the critters before they wander too far so the baddies don’t get their hands on them.
There’s also one you can do ala-vietnam: insert, evacuate the villagers for relocation (probably unwillingly) and demo the vill to keep it out of enemy hands/cut them off from supply.
Protect the grain stores? As in, the enemy tries to raid a farm for to carry off supplies, and if they can’t take it then they burn it, sort of thing?
"I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."
26/11/2018 at 19:06 #104587Jim JackamanParticipantLove the idea of herding goats..that could be a lot of fun. Also hadn’t thought of the village relocation idea..very good and full of all sorts of headaches for the troops. Not sure the farm would fit but I’m sure I can adapt it.
Thanks for the great scenario hooks…excellent! 😀
26/11/2018 at 20:30 #104591Jim JackamanParticipantI’ve been really busy but have had a fiddle about with the excellent Supreme Littleness Designs road templates to see what I can do with them, apart from just sections of dirt track which I’m doing anyway. I’m hoping to find time to blitz a load of dirt track sections asap.
27/11/2018 at 11:38 #104613Jim JackamanParticipantStarted on the straight and curved road sections, using the Supreme Littleness Designs templates, which are brilliant!
27/11/2018 at 11:41 #104614cmnashParticipantThey look really good Jim. I’ve got a bunch of their thinner ones to use as roads/rivers with my 3mm stuff
27/11/2018 at 18:43 #104637Jim JackamanParticipantAs I will soon have some roads (fingers crossed) and a road block checkpoint as well, I thought I needed to have a rebel vehicle for the squaddies to stop and search.
Eh Voila!
A Peter Pig WW2 French lorry with a retro fitted Skytrex truck load of barrels, no doubt concealing an entire rebel squad!
27/11/2018 at 19:13 #104640Jim JackamanParticipantIncidentally, anyone know where I can get some 1950’s and 60’s civilian vehicles from in 15mm?
28/11/2018 at 03:15 #104655grizzlymcParticipantToy trains places are your best bet.
Try a rearguard action on a hideout where a hostage must be got from the hideout and off the table. Attacking forces do not know of the hostage (or give them 30 bogus items to look for in the place, one of which is the whereabouts of the hostage).
An ambush or other attack in which the objective is getting the Brits to fire on a large group of civilians into whom the attackers disappear.
29/11/2018 at 17:30 #104777Jim JackamanParticipantYes I was wondering if HO scale might be useable ie 1/87th. I’m sure I could find some 60’s cars, buses and lorries etc, although it’s easier to get 1/76th 00 scale stuff here in the UK.
29/11/2018 at 21:56 #104789Jim JackamanParticipantMy Stalwart kit arrived from QRF today but it’s got a set of wheels missing so I’ve had to ask for them to be sent on to me asap.
It also has some casting issues but nothing I can’t fix with some green stuff and patience.
I’ve had a couple of issues with QRF recently including the wrong tail on the Strikemaster kit and a missing wheel, not that the landing gear will be used but I can’t use it without a vertical stabiliser!
I haven’t had any problems with QRF in the past, apart from loads of flash, so it’s a bit of a disappointment.
The little Ferret scout cars are, however, spot on!
30/11/2018 at 03:45 #104797grizzlymcParticipantGet your order to the Germans in before march.
30/11/2018 at 03:49 #104798grizzlymcParticipantAnother scenario. The Brits have to sweep the board looking for naughtiness. The rebels have a number of jobs to do. Half the civilians move along pre plotted moves (Eg, bus goes down road at 25 kph, stopping at several places to drop off passengers) and half are moved by the terrs. All terrs are civilians until the security forces search them. Each real civvie killed by the security forces gets the terrs mega victory points.
30/11/2018 at 13:55 #104815Jim JackamanParticipantI’m liking that idea. Loads of chaos and a big headache in the making for the British.
I can see that being a lot of fun to play out and with loads of replay potential.
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