Home Forums General General Non-history skills you acquired from miniatures gaming

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    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Just for fun:
    What is a skill you acquired as a result of miniatures gaming whether directly or indirectly (like learning to run a club)?

    Memorising military trivia do not count ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    Running public participation games at wargames shows certainly did wonders for my personal interaction skills and confidence.

    One of the highlights of my wargaming journey is having appeared on the Radio 4 early morning news talking about the benefits of wargaming for kids with special reference to the Star Trek ship combat game we were running at Claymore.

    I was broadcast on the 6am news but alas my 15 minutes of fame was cut short as by 7am some Russian dignitary having inconveniently died grabbed the news spot. ๐Ÿ™‚

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


    colour theory and painting/sculpture techniques.

    Story telling, plot pacing, character development. Layout and design of printed documents.

    Diplomacy, restraint and tolerance (when confronted by myriad fools and idiots). ย Debate skills over nuanced rules with said fools and idiots. Still working on the restraint part.

    Mick Hayman
    Margate and New Orleans

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Found and run gaming clubs and conventions in Oklahoma and North Texas.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Ivan et al.:

    I was a young modeller before becoming a wargamer. However I was not a very good modeller back in the late 1960s being less than 10 years old. Then I got into wargaming and that upped my discipline and desire to make models as well as O could and as realistic appearing as possible. Over the years that discipline and now patience has grown as my painting, scratch building and good old modelling skills have developed. I am by no means a master model builder or diorama artist but I can churn out battalions of 6mm vehicles and companies of 15 mm troops or vehicles in large amounts and with a good level of quality. I also churn out large DBMM 500 pts. ancients armies too.

    Another bonus of pursuing this hobby was that it spurred curiosity, a desire to do research and a love of books, making me into a bibliophile. Between he books, the minis and the modelling supplies this hobby has also turned me into a much poorer man than I might have otherwise been had I invested all that money into good investments but I think (perhaps vainly) that the pursuit of this hobby has made me a more well rounded and interesting person.

    So discipline, focus, and an enduring drive to work at this hobby plus curiosity and a love of learning and books are skills/traits which I have learned and honed doing this life-long pastime for about 55 years now. Better panting skills, terrain building skills and scratch-building skills have developed too, but they might have done so anyway, if I had just remaind an avid modeller.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoOrm Embar

    Research skills, and language skills when hunting down primary source in something you are now interested in.

    Avatar photowillz

    Confidence in public speaking.

    The importance of getting facts / data correct.

    Expanded imagination.

    Better colour perception.

    Understanding of one’s own ability.

    Discipline, focus and drive.


    The ability to relax and see my world at peace and deal with life problems in a more rounded manner.

    You have to have a hobby to see life at it’s best.

    Avatar photoPatrice

    English. ๐Ÿ™‚

    First with Airfix catalogue and magazine, then wargaming rules.


    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Playing miniatures and role playing games absolutely helped us be well ahead of our class mates in English ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photoOB

    Stuff about colours, using a pin vice drill and writing cogently and concisely. All handy enough things to know.


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