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    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    Well, it has taken me a week to do the last check of the AAR before posting.  I played this in the first week of January.  It is game 4 in the Britton Publishing Operation Jupiter scenario book.  Game 4 sees a section and platoon HQ vs 3 snipers and 2 missions off off board 88mm HE.  I upscaled the ratio to use my own rules but kept the same number of figures on the table. I wondered how my rules would hold up with snipers.  They did fine.  Full battle report on my blog, although the pictures are mainly just showing the whittling down of the British forces as they advance:


    And here is one of the snipers in a tree:


    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Great game it seems and you certainly enjoyed it. Sometimes less is more in scenario design and anticipation of sniper fire can be nerve wracking done right. The “Take Cover” rules you refer to on your blog are your own rules or someone else’s which you have heavily modified? It is unclear from your description what their origin is. How do the rules handle acquisition of the enemy?

    Lovely table but alas in my opinion too few figures. I know you have kids and like small games but from a visual stand point the company and Btn. HQ would have looked splendid on a one-to-one scale; paralyzed by the sniper fire in the wheat fields. It would better illustrate how a few well trained and daring snipers could hold up large numbers of foes and why the allies hated enemy snipers so much. It is strange how the sniper/sharp shooter’s image has been revamped in recent times from a daunting villain to a hero.

    Thank you for posting and I will follow your posts with enthusiasm and anticipation.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    What a fab idea for a scenario.

    Avatar photoWar Panda

    Excellent again Shaun!

    I think bot chaps have made good points.

    Brilliant scenario. Company vs Snipers. And I agree with Rod it would have had even more visual appeal if the platoons were represented 1:1 but I can understand for logistical reasons this is not always an attractive proposition 🙂

    And now that I know what an excellent story telling you are I also want more narrative too 🙂 (no goats or druids please)

    We demand more Shaun always more…

    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Good AAR, Snipers are a real pain to take out.

    Avatar photoShaun Travers


    Take Cover!! is an out of print ruleset from about 1998 produced by Britannia Miniatures.  It is similar is scale and design to Rapid Fire.  I have a very detailed rules review at this blog post:


    I prefer then to Rapid Fire because the base unit is a company, while in Rapid Fire is is a battalion.

    I have modified them a lot by streamlining some of the mechanics and  card activation (with a joker) rather than alternating phases.  But the core mechanics, even though streamlined, are similar and give similar results to Take Cover!!

    The original scenario calls for one section and one platoon HQ.  I left the number of figures unchanged but scaled up what a figure represents.  So that is why there are only a few figures on the table.  And the scenario does seem balanced.  Less figures also makes the game go faster!

    Joihn-Panda – I may try some narrative game reports at some stage.  One day…


    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Very nice setup. Sounds like a good game too.
    With scaling up the game, it sounds like the same approach Rapid Fire uses 🙂

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Great stuff Shaun, and everybody get off him, he played the scenario just like it’s set up in the book!  I think in real life the Brit Colonel got whacked, so good job Shaun 😉


    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    Jack, thanks for coming to my defense.

    And yes, the British did get badly beaten up in the actual 1944 event.

    Avatar photoWar Panda

    Shaun if Jack is buttering you up its only because he wants to see more of that darling Trojan Pig of yours…

    Joihn-Panda – I may try some narrative game reports at some stage.  One day…

    Forgive me if I don’t hold my breath…we’ll all be reenacting famous battles of WW3 before we see any reports from you…


    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    ” Forgive me if I don’t hold my breath…we’ll all be reenacting famous battles of WW3 before we see any reports from you…”

    And this is from someone that hasn’t even finished an AAR this year.  LOL.  We are only up to turn 4  of one of your games in the space of time I have posted 4 and Jack 16+.  Even kyoteblue has posted pictures of two different games in the same time 🙂  I think you are secretly hoping for WW3 so we do not have to find out who actually wins your game!



    Avatar photoWar Panda

    Well <snarly snarl> right back at you Mr Travers  

    I had no idea we were all keeping count (except for Jack of course. He’s always keeping count… of everything)

    And you can’t possibly be including Blue’s bizarre “trips” down memory lane. (That’s my theory)

    And until we see your Trade Mark Trojan Pig I refuse to believe any AAR submitted by you is actually yours. We’ve had your type here before. Submitting others hard work and taking all the glory…

    No Trojan Pig? Someone else’s AAR Shaun. Someone else’s work.

    Panda 4/6 AAR vs Shaun 0 AAR’s  Jack 16,000 (or whatever…)  Rod didn’t qualify because he doesn’t actually have any toy soldiers (what a baby)

    Oh and hey …. You just started WW3 my friend. Prepare for war

    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Hey now…Oh and Battlefront/FOW is going to put out Fulda Gap this year so yeah WW3 is going to happen !!!

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Silly Panda:

    Such pathetic attempts to use reverse psychology on me are like water off a duck’s back. Every time I have to move boxes, storage trays, carry bags etc. full of 6mm and 15mm figures and models, I am painfully reminded about the surfeit of lead in my life. Every time I look at the figures and models still to be painted I sigh, shake my head and wonder whether any mortal could complete the task. So a shortage of figures is not the problem. It’s a shortage of time which I face … daily coupled with greed and avarice to possess all lead soldiers of all types. This is my true sickness.

    Cheers and goo-goo.

    Baby Rod.

    Avatar photoShaun Travers


    Only the jealous lash out with war as their first resort!

    Avatar photoWar Panda

    Jealous? Me? Of you owning that beautiful Trojan Pig? Why should I be jealous that you own that magnificent beast and I don’t?

    Don’t be silly

    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    That was hilarious Shaun, though I’ll admit Panda has slowly moved on from being a model railroader to a scale modeller that makes stop-motion videos of beautiful dioramas 😉

    “(except for Jack of course. He’s always keeping count… of everything)”
    What are you talking about?  I don’t even know how to count 😉


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