Home Forums General Blogs Six Years of KeepYourPowderDry

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  • #193602
    Avatar photoRadar

    Six years ago I posted on here asking for tips on starting a blog.

    Well I’m still at it (blogging that is). Must be doing something right, as quite a few people actually read it if the stats are to be believed (they can’t all be crawler bots).

    The last year has seen traffic jump up considerably, which must be directly related to the release of Warlord’s Epic P&S range. Oh, and the YouTube ‘historian and journalist’ who accused me of ‘black washing’ history because I posted a picture of an information panel from Newark Castle. My Epic cavalry sprue review generated considerable abusive messages (I was trying to make the release fail, apparently), but this was nothing compared to the vile thinly veiled racist abuse I received in connection to the YT video.

    Much nicer stuff to come out of blogging are the connections that have been made with people. My coat colours posts will be making it into print, and looks like my ECWtravelogue posts might be following suit too.

    So to all of you who helped, six years ago, once again I doff my cap. To everyone who has read, linked, shared, or supported KeepYourPowderDry on Buy Me A Coffee – thank you.



    <p style=”text-align: left;”>You have a great blog. Keep at it. Abuse unfortunately (and worse) is par de course of the net in unmoderated spaces.</p>

    Avatar photoian pillay

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I do enjoy your blog and have found your reviews on WG Epic pike and shot most useful, that I went and bought the starter set as a result. The history aspect is fascinating but as Konstantinos said haters are going to hate. Easier said than done, but ignore them.</p>
    Thank you for keeping history alive. Keep on blogging!

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photoRadar


    Unfortunately that does seem to be the case. Just all rather sad that society has come to it.


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