Home Forums Sci Fi 6mm Sci-Fi The Unnamed Legion (3mm scale Epic Armageddon "Heresy" Proxies)

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    Avatar photoJon Williams

    For the 3mm proxy Warhammer 30,000 rebellion I was thinking of roughly a 3foot by 2 foot table and halving all movement and weapons ranges so basically a game that could be played on a coffee table and one which would be a good size for the canvas boards idea of Thaddeus, but again your idea of just a green cloth to start would be a quick workable start, I wish I’d have known about 3mm before I started my 6 mm ECW as a table 3 by 2 with distances halved and Battalia on 30mm by 15mm bases would have been ideal as is my ECW should comfortably fit if a little snug on terrain that size, space and storage of a large board and terrain to fill it, plus having to make it would be my main problem

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I have found that works pretty well. Usually I’m converting Inches to centimeters, and that’s roughly half (slightly more than half but close as makes no difference) so you’ll find that a 36” x 36” space will yield the equivalent of a 6’ by 6’ table.

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    News update vanguard won race, just received my affray mechanised inf company, my assault maniple and my proxy terminator’s and striker transport pool. Details are amazing my headache now is trying to arrange them in squads, I do hope that soon vanguard will expand the range and the affray B will be available so much easier then to make tactical and devastator squads in my opinion, the assault maniple makes 2 assault squads easily, terminator’s again nice and easy nice commands also  that so far is my only quibble quality of models outstanding, speed of dispatch outstanding, but I’m sure I’ll be able to work out a figure to squad structure as is I’ve only just got up as work a very late shift so sleep and a clear head needed lol

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    I have even played by dividing the CM ranges by five and it works fine.

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Hi all just received the figures from magister militum while also lovely figures and well detailed the scale difference in the vehicles well for my liking is to much, the infantry  are ok I can use them to bulk out my force, I also bought the Badger and Butcher battlesuits hoping to use them as dreadnoughts, but again perhaps a little to small well just having one on a base, I was thinking of basing them 5 to a base and using them for robots possibly not 100% sure about that option yet otherwise I think I’ll stick with the vanguard range as vehicles are in proportion to the figures and gives a good feel for epicer epic

    Avatar photoRhoderic

    Hi all just received the figures from magister militum while also lovely figures and well detailed the scale difference in the vehicles well for my liking is to much

    Do you mean the scale difference between vehicles and infantry in the same range, or between Magister Militum vehicles and Vanguard vehicles?

    As I’ve already been given to understand that the Magister Militum and Vanguard ranges are not very compatible in regard to scale, but I still want to have both ranges, my plan is to do two separate 3mm gothic sci-fi projects. One will be MM Eldar vs Imperial Guard (or possibly Chaos rabble with Imperial Guard tanks) and the other will be Vanguard Space Marines vs Orks, possibly to be expanded with further factions depending on what Vanguard may add in the future. They will share a set of 3mm terrain between them (and for this I might use some carefully selected 6mm buildings from other manufacturers like Brigade Models, because a lot of those are considerably undersized for their nominal scale) but other than that, never shall the twain meet.

    I have similar plans for 6mm gothic sci-fi, seeing as the Vanguard and Onslaught ranges are largely incompatible but I still want to have both of them.

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Hi Rhoderic, the scales just didn’t work for me in mixing the 2 ranges and it was a crying shame as the ozmy vehicles are dead ringers for the imperial guard vehicles but comparing them with vanguard’s Trojan APC well it was like David meeting Goliath, and I just couldn’t see the ozmy inf fitting in with the vanguard figures probably just me but it would bug me big time even if no-one else noticed lol.

    As for the vehicles and figures from magister militum they’re great but definitely not a mix and match which is a great shame but hey ho, let me know how your projects come on and I’m hoping that vanguard will expand the range of 3mm sci fi soon as is now I have a full battle company 6 tactical squads, 2 devastator squads, 4 assault squads they’re from the assault maniple pack and 66 proxy terminator’s, I have 10 Trojan/ Rhino APC and 4 proxy landraiders, all have been cleaned off, just is soaked to clean off any residue, just have to base them then take a deep breath and paint them hopefully I’ll get a half tidy result and if so I might try and post a picture on here fingers crossed

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Sorry to answer your question again yes I find the infantry figure to armoured vehicles scale better with vanguard just my own opinion.

    I found the ozmy figure a bit big next to their vehicles but it’s not outrageous, just comparing the two I’d go vanguard every time

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    O8 vehicles play better with the Microworld 3mm range, which is a more abstract 3mm scale. Vanguard is “true” 3mm scale because it simply halves the size of their existing 6mm scale line, which is itself more like a “heroic” 6mm scale (Novan Elites are closer to 7.5mm tall). So if what you want is a straight 1:1 conversion of Wh40K you’ll find Vanguard a better match. The Superheavies are a notable hole in the Vanguard Regulars line – lots of “Macharius” styled tanks but rarely do is see those in Epic games – only a single army list uses them, so it’s a little topheavy on those. Still it matters less to me these days as I’m building most of my lists for Dirtside II anyway. However there are some excellent 3D printed Imperial forces out there that DO match the O8 scale, which I have used quite successfully. It’s all a matter of taste. I have and enjoy both but they don’t mix very often.

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Yes I have to admit that the vanguard range is definitely the one I’ll be sticking with as it’s just going to be a small sideline for me hopefully just a fun kick around. I’m not going to buy anything else at the moment I’ll crack on with what I have and see how they turn out, if they look tidy then I’ll start buying a few more at a time get a nice size loyalist and rebel force and then possibly start on the Skinner’s

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    The O8 not-eldar work just fine with Vanguard’s stuff. No problems at all. Also, their infantry and cavalry work great together! Vehicles are another story but you should really check O8’s stuff against Vanguard’s Not-Imperial Guard, not Trojans. Remember that Vanguard’s not-Marines are perfectly in scale. They are HUGE guys and equipment meant for them takes that into consideration.

    But O8’s not Eldar are perfect. I have posted some comparison pictures here, elsewhere. Let me do some linking. Just a sec…

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    OK, here we go. O8’s not-Eldar look more delicate than Vanguard’s not-marines, but that is as it should be. You can see that things are clearly not disproportionate, especially given the Eldar’s higher tech. Yes, O8’s infantry is a tad too big for their vehicles, perhaps, but it is really not enough that you notice. The two forces together on the same table convey a tech difference that is believable and quite nice, in my opinion.


    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    I have had my eyes on the 08 not eldar and might possibly look into getting some at a future date provided my painting stands up to yours and Matt’s .

    Again yet another miniature masterpiece from your good self

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Technical luddite here, what do I have to do to post a picture on here ?

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    You have to choose “visual” instead of “Text” on teh top right of teh reply boxy. You’ll see the option to attach images.

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    6mm ECW

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    ECW foot

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Ah well that’s 2 unsuccessful attempts to upload photos arrrggh

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    You’re not alone, I am having similar issues with the site.

    Avatar photoDeleted User


    Avatar photoJon Williams

    i was trying to get some pictures of a Battalia if ECW foot , a squadron of cavalry a saker artillery piece and one command stand on but never mind lol.

    I managed a quick 5 minutes to myself yesterday and undercoated 4 proxy landraiders ,2 proxy rhinos, and 2 strips of proxy terminator’s I gave them all to thin coats of white applied by brush then made a wash of tube acrylics leaf green a little bit of black and run that over all the only with the 2 rhinos I picked out the panels in the leaf green so far I’m pretty happy with the result the terminator’s are obviously going to be death wing and as such will have a white/ off white power armour goodness knows when I might get a bit of time to myself again to get some more painting done I’ll take some pictures along the way and hopefully will be able to share my journey on here

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Weirdly it only seems to happen to me in this thread. Maybe you start a new thread to show off your own work, and that’ll solve it for you. Would love to see what you come up with!

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Go for it, man! I wanna see them, too!

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    (I need to make me some scatter terrain like Thomaston’s.)

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    It’s probably because I’m a digital luddite lol but yep that maybe an idea.

    Thomaston did manage to get that picture up of his superb scatter terrain, as is I’m working this site off my phone possibly I should try on my laptop, this is the first time I’ve ever joined a forum and my digital footprint is small no Facebook, Instagram or such so like the 3mm it’s all a learning curve

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    My first attempt at at a dark angels rhino proxy in 3mm

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    first picture first attempt at Dark Angels proxy rhino APC

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Not sure I’m happy with the paint colour but it’s what I had to hand, had a look at reaper paints website a few days ago and all the Triad paint sets I was thinking might work were sold out.

    I found a thread here that explained how to upload pictures, very helpful to my limited knowledge, but apparently it’s best if the image is under 1mb preferably 300kb I believe unfortunately all the other pictures I’ve taken are well over 1mb

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    You can use this site to crop/resize images

    I think the color looks fine, just add some highlight/lighter colors along the edges. You can add a little beige or bleached bone to the green for that

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Highlighting would really make it pop! The base color is nice!

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Thanks both, yep definitely need to highlight and obviously paint in the tracks and bolters .

    I’m always critical of the work I do and I have to admit there’s a high standard to live up to on here

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    These are some examples of my Bacchus 6 mm ECW

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    You DON’T want to paint like me if you want a fast, table-ready army. Love the ECW stuff, btw.


    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Lol it takes me ages to finish off a unit, haven’t got to grips with the production line style of painting .

    I also told myself I’d stick with one project and get it finished before looking or buying anything else that’s gone out the window only just started my royalists army for the ECW

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Avatar photoJon Williams

    Front left 2 have been dry brushed with goblin green, front right 2 awaiting dry brush, rear 6 have been painted black underneath to avoid any bare metal showing when based then a thin coat of white applied to the vehicle, then I mixed the tube acrylic with a little black and some water and washed over the vehicles have tried to pick out the bolters on the front left 2 and I don’t think I have Mr Averages skills to try painting an arrow /tactical marking on the top compartment hatch 😲

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