Home Forums Ancients The Taifa Andalusians invade … Plymouth..?!

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  • #184400
    Avatar photomadaxeman

    Earlier this year I took a 28mm Taifa Andalusian army to the PAW event in Plymouth, to play in the ADLG competition there.

    This time all 4 battle reports were committed straight to YouTube, so you can watch them (in sequence) in about 10-15 minutes each complete with my inane commentary.

    The first one is here, in which the Taifa take on the Christian Nubians and all of their 40-year-odl Camels!

    The next few should follow in sequence, or you can see them all online on one page here together with analysis from hannibal and Julio Iglesias (yes, really…):

    And here are some of the chaps involved on-table.

    You can:
    - see more of this rubbish at www.madaxeman.com
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