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  • #4084
    Avatar photoRobert McLean


    Welcome to the Wargamorium Blog.
    The Wargamorium is situated in a sub-terrainean location north of the Waterloo battlefield.  The table is 16 foot by 6 foot making it suitable only for historical games (i.e. no gollywobblers!).
    The Poteshnyi in the tag line above is a reference to a group assembled by the young Tsar Peter the Great to play out wargames so that he could study the art of war and fortifications.
    At the moment I have armies for the War of the Spanish Succession (French and Allied), Seven Years War (French and Allied), Russo Turkish War 1787 – 1792 (Russians only so far), French Revolution (French, Austrians, Russians and some British), Napoleonics (French, French Allies, 1805 Russians, 1805/09 Austrians and both 1806 and 1815 Prussians), Crimean War 1854-56 (French, British and Russians),  Franco Austrian War 1859 (French and Austrians), Franco Prussian War 1870 (French and German States), World War One 1914 (French, BEF, Belgians and Germans) and World War Two 1940 (Germans).

    I update the blog quite often

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