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    Avatar photoCameronian

    Flodden 1513 in 10mm:

    The Scots,

    The English,



    'The time has come" The walrus said. "To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--Of cabbages--and kings--And why the sea is boiling hot--And whether pigs have wings."

    Avatar photoPiyan Glupak

    Thanks for posting, they look great.

    Interestingly enough, I had started to think about 10mm figures for periods that I haven’t yet started, so these are particularly interesting for me.  I have had  thoughts about doing Tudor armies, but had only considered 15mm.

    Although I like larger figures as well, I do like small figures, and find them easier and quicker to paint.  My first armies were ECW in 6mm, although I later went more towards 15mm, and even 25mm.

    If you happened to mention which firm made those figures, it would not go amiss.

    Avatar photoCameronian

    Thanks Richard.  The figures are from Pendraken.  6mm? you’re a better man than I am 🙂  Pendraken’s website and forum are pretty good, not all their figures are illustrated but a search on google images can usually turn up examples.  One range to avoid at the moment is the Landsknechts, they need re-done.

    I don’t intend this as an advert but if you care to have a squint at the 10mm section, there’s a variety of 10s on there.


    'The time has come" The walrus said. "To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--Of cabbages--and kings--And why the sea is boiling hot--And whether pigs have wings."

    Avatar photoPiyan Glupak

    Thanks George, I will browse the Pendraken website later.  I have a feeling that when I did an army in 10mm for a shared project we used Pendraken, but that would be a few years ago.

    Thanks as well for the link to the blog.  Some really nice armies there.  It is clear  that you get more details than with 6mm that are noticeable at normal viewing and playing distance.  On the other hand, they don’t need as fancy a paint job as 15mm figures do.

    6mm aren’t too bad to paint – I usually find it harder to do bigger figures because each figure needs more detail.  On the other hand, there is limited choice, and figures from different manufactures don’t often go together well.  My favourite manufacturer of 6mm tends to sell his stuff in packs that are too large to be economic, if you are using rules that use small armies.

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