Home Forums Sci Fi 6mm Sci-Fi Thuseld's 6mm Journey

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    Avatar photoThuseld

    Big Terrain Update. My modular industrial complex now has three new tiles. Closer images on the blog. Along with some other bits.


    Avatar photoMike

    Anshan lives again!!



    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Looking gooooood!  Cool thing about those pre-fab huts being pitched instead of rounded like a Quansit is that they can more easily be transported across the ‘verse in bulk, or even fully constructed (multiple ways to stack them, and i assume they’d be sturdy enough to be flipped, etc).  This complex is really coming along nicely!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photogreg954

    Looking forward to seeing this in a game. That’s what I like about scfi. You can build effective looking scenery quickly and cheaply out of just about anything and it works.

    I’ve been playing a few SF 6mm games over the last few weeks. The scenery hasn’t been working. I’m using the cardboard city stuff from Dropzone commander. Just gets knocked about all over the place. The cardboard tiles not only move they curl as well. I need to glue it all but then I can’t flat pack it for storage and that’ll be a nightmare.

    You can beat your own bespoke scenery on a solid base.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    I think this is why my WW2 gaming stalls so often. The terrain has to be a certain way, or I have it in my head that it does. Whereas with sci fi I can put any old crap on the table and hand wave it. I do worry about storage of this facility though.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I have the same trouble with Vietnam gaming.  I had it all done in 28mm then switched to 20mm and had to do it all over again (though it does look better).  Now I’ve gone to 15mm and there is a lot that has to be redone and I’ll get started then fizzle, then go rock on a SF project….

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    I agree with the previous three comments. Games based on reality has to replicate a certain feel or it feels wrong and unimmersive for me. Sci-fi all the way, your imagination in the limit.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    I also have it where this has happened: I have made roads, I hate them. They didn’t work so well. I have bocage…it didn’t work so well and I don’t particularly like it.

    I have in my mind Normandy, because I have BG Overlord, but surely there could be a fight with Overlord type armies on a more open area…I just can’t bring myself to try it because I feel like my table isn’t finished.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    And we’re back. After a break to work on my WW2 project, and then a further break to play Diablo III and Northgard, I have a project to work on. Check this score out for £10:


    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Niiiiice!  I too thought about grabbing some of this back when it was big, but heck, 10 quid is a steal!  Won’t take much for you to get it into good shape at all.  Can’t wait to see what you do with it, you’re pretty dang inventive.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoThuseld

    There will be greeblies everywhere. I will try sculpting some green stuff bits. Look for generic crap to clue everywhere. I even don’t mind playing on it as is to be honest.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Nice find. Looks like it scales perfectly to 6mm.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    Some more terrain started. A few small projects to do while my wife is doing puzzles. This might spark me into more active terrain building, rather than computer gaming and or book reading.



    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Off to a great start I’d say, it’ll be interesting to see what the Mos Eisley-looking bits come out looking like when all done!

    Avatar photoThuseld

    Progress. It looks a little cartoonish but I like it nonetheless. The big question is, how can I create the base of this bio-dome?

    Avatar phototelzy amber

    The big question is, how can I create the base of this bio-dome?

    I don’t know it’s size but put the dome on a piece of cardboard, mdf, or sheet plastic. Scribe around it. Cut the section out of the card/mdf/plastic. You have a choice if it is cardboard or mdf you can cut a cereal box wall, whatever height you need, glue to the outside of your base. This covers the connection of dome to base but the dome can be lifted off for access. I can’t tell from the photo but the open end of the half globe appears to be straight, not curving toward the other, lower half, of a globe. If so make all the doors you need and attach them to the cereal box card.  If it is curved at that point then you will need to curve the door section to match the domes upward curve and, obviously, the side curve of the domes base.

    Poorly written. Sorry

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Good progress, I like space McD ^^

    I think telzy is on to a good and easily modifiable idea. You could even stack a few cutouts if you want a bigger base and cover it with bits and greeblies to make it a bit more interesting than the plain card/plastic.

    Avatar photoThuseld
    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Ya know, that works quite well!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Clever use of those plugs, looks great 😁

    Avatar photoThuseld

    An abandoned mech. I wanted to recreate a scene from a book I read. Flying the Storm, by C. S. Arnot. The protagonists see a large, hulking, long-abandoned mech from the last war. The war that ravaged Earth. I liked the idea of having these wrecks that have never been re-built for whatever reasons.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    Blog link. Some scum ready to take up the battle. I want to get some 6mm skirmishing up and running again.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    That mech wreck is brilliantly done!  Really like the rust effect.  the minis look a treat, too!=.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoThuseld

    Junk Builds. I want some landing pads that look sorry. I also want deodorant bottle space craft.


    Avatar photoMike

    That is pretty shiny!

    Avatar photoThuseld

    That is pretty shiny!

    Yeah, unfortunately the primer spray didn’t fully hit the surface of the CD underneath, so under certain lights you can see the shine. Next time I will build on the CD shiny side down.

    But also, nice reference. Is my inspiration that obvious?

    Avatar photoMike

    Is my inspiration that obvious?

    I thought so, but then I could have been wrong!

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I really like this version of your ship.  Looks rough and tumble and a perfectly gritty working tramp.  And that landing pad works super well, seriously dig it!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    That ship is rad, love it!

    Avatar photoThuseld

    I really like this version of your ship. Looks rough and tumble and a perfectly gritty working tramp. And that landing pad works super well, seriously dig it!

    That was my intention. I keep wavering between the original trilogy Star Wars aesthetic, Firefly (which is similar IMO, but lower tech), and then wanting  a really crisp military sci fi sort of setting. Firefly wins mostly though.

    Alexander, thank so much. You are such an inspiration to me.

    Avatar photoThuseld
    Avatar photoMike

    Oh that is a nice size too.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Agreed, not too big, and not dainty.  And you can do interior deckplans at a larger size on a side table if you wish.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    That shape made a very nice hull. I wish I’d thought of that.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    Thanks for the feedback, guys. I am pretty pleased with how it went. Now I am saving every bottle ever just on the off chance it will make a good spacecraft.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    You and me both!  I have a storage tub full.  Not to mention about a half dozen ships in various stages of progress.  None of them are as good as your though.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoThuseld

    You and me both! I have a storage tub full. Not to mention about a half dozen ships in various stages of progress. None of them are as good as your though.

    Says the person with their own range of miniatures.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Says the person with their own range of miniatures.

    Pft, 3d is easy.  So is having your own miniatures line (you can too!)  Doing things by hand… now that is an ART!  There was a time when I built at least 2 architectural models a month, keeping my skills up and my scratch building need satiated.  But the Architectural industry has gone far away from needing physical models (I still believe that a physical model is the best way to show a client their design, as so many people have a hard time reading plans and actually visualizing what the reality will be even with wonderfully rendered images or video fly-throughs) and my skills are no longer up to par.  So I do envy an individual that can whip up wonderful scratch builds and adaptations like you do!

    Keep them coming bud!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoThuseld
    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Nice!  Another right proper “worked hard, rode hard” looking ship. Just love the “lived-in” feel of it.

    Reminds me of a fish I once had, little thing that got sort of bloated and lived about 6 years longer than it was supposed to.  I hereby propose:” The Ugly Old Guppy!”  Uggs, or The Gup for short.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

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