Home Forums General Announcements from TWW. TWW UPDATES

  • This topic has 101 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by Avatar photoMike.
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  • #45542
    Avatar photoMike

    TWW is two years old today.

    Avatar photoMike

    Next week, W/C 15th I am away on holiday.
    I am assured our accommodation has wi-fi so I will be able to work on TWW, but in a limited capacity.
    Please expect possible slight delays.



    Avatar photoMike

    I have been doing some book-keeping and it appears that quite a few sponsoring members’ payments have either been cancelled or suspended due to non-payment but they maintained their sponsoring privileges.
    I have corrected this today.
    If however you believe that your account has been downgraded incorrectly, and apologies if it has, please send me an e-mail with your PayPal subscription ID and I will correct any errors.

    Avatar photoMike

    I am not around much this Saturday, so if you have any urgent news for that day, please send it in before Friday night.

    Avatar photoMike

    Now trialling guest posting in forums.

    Avatar photoMike

    The news hit counter now shows visits from logged in members and total visits.
    Previously it only showed logged in visits.

    Avatar photoMike

    TWW has always had an RSS feed, however I was unaware that not all browsers could find it, so there is now an RSS button so you can locate it yourself, for those that like that sort of thing.


    Avatar photoMike

    Please be aware I will have limited access to my e-mails on Sunday and Monday.
    There may be a slight delay in the posting of news.
    Apologies in advance.

    Avatar photoMike

    How busy is TWW?
    Here are some rough stats about it:

    TWW gets about 3300 unique visitors a month.

    TWW gets about 2200 visits per day, this is about 66,000 visits per month.

    Looking at the period specific forums (so not things like the terrain or general forum) we have about 3200 historical topics and about 1100 fantasy/sci-fi making the ratio of historical vs non historical roughly 3:1
    Plus about 700 general topics.

    Thank you very much to everyone that is part of this community, and I hope to see us grow bigger and better together.


    Avatar photoMike

    Thought this may be of interest too:

    Avatar photoMike

    I am trialling a feature where you can upload images directly to the site without the need for third party hosting.
    It is a trial for now, I hope to keep it around forever but I will need to monitor stuff, and things.

    For now though it is live.

    To do it, click the image icon:

    Then when that opens a pop up click the little folder to search your device for an image:

    Upload and go!

    PS: Try to keep the images small in file size or the server will reject them, less than 1mb please, around 300kb should be good enough though if you can do that.

    Avatar photoMike

    Some stats for those of you that like that sort of thing.

    We are trending in the right direction which is great news!

    Avatar photoMike

    I am trialling a LIKE button on TWW.

    See HERE for more details.

    Avatar photoMike

    PM’s have had an update.
    You can see groovy avatars and block people.

    Avatar photoMike

    We are growing!
    Thanks everyone.

    Avatar photoMike

    I have temporarily turned off the Unread Topic Green Light feature as it is known to cause a few problems for some users.
    Hopefully I can sort this and get it switched back on.

    Avatar photoMike

    We have been suffering a bit of spam recently.
    I increased the aggressiveness of the spam filter for  24 hours and whilst it blocked the spam during that period, it also blocked some genuine topic replies.

    So for now I have turned it back down as I would rather have spam that can be deleted later, then genuine conversation delayed until approved.

    I will have a tinker with the registration process to see if that can help.
    Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. 

    Avatar photoMike

    FB has temporarily locked my account, as such I am unable to read, post, reply or in anyway access FB via the Angel Barracks, Crom’s Anvil or TWW FB pages. 
    They are reviewing my account to determine if I am a real person…

    Sorry for any inconvenience they have caused.

    Avatar photoMike

    I have installed some software that prevents certain e-mail addresses from being used during registration, hopefully this will cut down on the amount of spammers.
    I will of course continue to monitor the situation.
    Thanks for your patience.

    Avatar photoMike

    2017 was a great year for growth.
    (December was a bit quieter but that is to be expected.)
    Thanks everyone.

    Avatar photoMike

    I have updated the Privacy Policy

    Avatar photoMike

    I have been tinkering with the spam settings in the forums as a few topics/replies have been caught by the filter and not published.
    In such instances there is a message that says it can not be created at this time.
    The thing is, it never will be unless I change the spam settings.
    So, instead the post will now be sent for moderation rather than simply not allowed.
    If you post a topic/reply and it seems to disappear into the ether but the topic shows that you updated it a few seconds ago, the post is in my queue.
    I will get onto it. 
    If you are in a mega rush for this to be approved, drop me an e-mail.

    Avatar photoMike

    I have added an SSL certificate to TWW, so you should now see a nice little green padlock when viewing the site (or the non Chrome browser equivalent to the padlock)
    In real terms nothing has changed at the back end, but with some websites and browsers urging people to stay away from ‘unsecure’ sites, it seemed prudent.

    Avatar photoMike

    I am doing some jiggery pokery with the site to try and improve the loading speed.
    I set up a cookie notice the other day, then deleted it and put a new one in place.
    Sorry for making you click it twice…

    I will TRY not to make another one.

    Avatar photoMike

    Two users on TWW reported seeing a message saying they are banned, please be aware no-one is banned unless they are told first, and banning is very very rare.

    I am not sure what caused the ban message to appear, I have not banned anyone of late.

    Oddly both people were called Paul.  

    Avatar photoMike

    A while back I upgraded TWW from http to https.
    There are plenty of articles online about the advantages of a secure site over a non-secure one, so I won’t blather on about it here.
    (Please be aware though, that all payments are done via the PayPal site, which has always been secure.)

    The ‘downside’ it has on TWW, is that it will not display non-secure content.
    The main instances of this are images hosted externally.
    If you have images on TWW that are from a third party site that is not https, then they will not be visible.
    To get around this the images will need to be moved to a secure site, any of the major image hosting sites are https, as is TWW, so you can upload the images directly here if you wish.

    Sorry that this may have caused a slight issue for a few members who link to images from non-secure sites.

    Avatar photoMike

    I have changed the club finder page so that it is now a club and player finder.
    The idea is that people can send in their details along with the rules they use so that people with similar interests can meet up.

    Avatar photoMike

    It was brought to my attention a while back that some of the view stats on the news pages seemed a bit off.
    I thought I had it sorted, but had not. My bad.
    What was happening was that the count was lower than it should have been, it was only showing views from logged in users.
    I have installed a new plug-in and removed the previous one.
    The upside is that the count should now be reflective of actual views, the down side is that it has made all counts revert to 0 as the plugin was not installed when these items were published.
    I have the data for the old ones and have been manually (yay) updating news items, however I will only be doing the most recent ones, maybe the last 100 or so.
    If you wish a specific news item to be updated, please do let me know.

    Avatar photoMike

    TWW has been updated to the latest php software, hopefully everything is working as planned, (at last, sorry for the last hour or so of wobbliness) however, if you see any errors/bugs/custard creams.
    Do let me know.

    Avatar photoMike

    Please remember Wheaton’s Law when on TWW.

    Avatar photoMike


    You can now subscribe to News Items via your profile.
    Log into your profile:

    Navigate to Subscribe2

    Click that and select your options:

    Avatar photoMike

    Buy your badges here:

    Badges? We Don’t Need No


    Avatar photoMike

    It is totally fine to post about new things from companies in the forums, even if you are said company.
    You don’t have to pay to talk about/promote the hobby in the forums here.

    Avatar photoMike

    When uploading images for avatars, please do not upload anything likely to cause offence.
    Stay away from politics and religion as an example.

    Thank you.

    Avatar photoMike


    I am away starting the 30th of September and I will return on the 4th of October.

    Please still send in news items and banners and all that jazz, but be aware I will only be publishing news once per day whilst away, most likely the evening, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t see anything until later in the day.

    Avatar photoMike

    Due to medical reasons there will be no news published on TWW on Monday the 21st of October.

    Though all being well normal service will resume the following day.

    Avatar photoMike

    Due to medical reasons there will be no news published on TWW on Wednesday the 6th of November.

    Though all being well normal service will resume the following day.

    Avatar photoMike

    I am back, normalish service will be resumed tomorrow, could be a few days before being back to normal.
    Sorry for any inconvenience.

    Avatar photoMike

    After many years of faithful service, the software plugin that was the event calendar went a bit iffy and started acting odd.
    I have had to replace it.
    Hopefully the new one serves you as well, it has less information, but has everything that you should need.
    More importantly it hopefully wont go all HAL on me…

    Just spent several hours adding 35 events, more to follow over the next few days.


    Avatar photoMike

    Just to let you all know, I will be having a day off on the 10th of this month.
    As such no news will be added.

    Thanks for your understanding.

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