Home Forums General Announcements from TWW. TWW UPDATES

  • This topic has 101 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by Avatar photoMike.
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  • #131219
    Avatar photoMike

    Just a reminder about this.
    I am still having my day off!


    Avatar photoMike

    I will be at a theme park tomorrow and am returning on Friday night.
    There should be internet in the hotel room, so I will be continuing to post news and what not, just maybe not quite so frequently…

    HOWEVER on the 28th of August to the 31st of August I will be in a tent, and will not have access to wifi, nor will I have my laptop, so no news will be published on these days.

    Thanks in advance for your understanding.

    Avatar photoMike

    HOWEVER on the 28th of August to the 31st of August I will be in a tent, and will not have access to wifi, nor will I have my laptop, so no news will be published on these days.


    Avatar photoMike

    I have removed the calendar as it did not get a massive amount of traffic and the forums allow for the promotion of events and talking about them too, this seems more community friendly.

    I have also removed the subscribe feature for front page news, you can of course still use the RSS feed should you require e-mail updates.

    Avatar photoMike

    Sorry for any dips in service, I am having some issues around my daughters school and their handling of her anxiety/ASD/other issues.
    It is proving quite a challenging few months at the moment, hopefully things can be resolved asap and I can get back to being a bit faster.

    Avatar photoMike

    TWW is of course a business, it pays for the food for my family.

    It does this by offering services/features as part of a very reasonable* monthly subscription fee.

    Traders get banner space and news published on the front page which is in turn shared across a number of social media platforms.
    Sponsors get access to the magazine section and the PM system.
    Non paying members get all the free stuff.

    After a number of conversations over the last few months, it seems that the majority of sponsor members pay as way of thanks, rather than for the perks they get.
    With this in mind, the PM system is now free for all to access.
    I will shortly change the Menu to reflect this.

    Big thanks to all who have paid accounts, your financial support is very much appreciated.

    * I think so anyway! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photoMike

    TAGs have been removed from the forum.

    Avatar photoMike

    Trying out Live Chat on TWW, see the Main Menu for the link.

    Avatar photoMike

    I may not be around much today, sorry for the short notice and any inconvenience this may cause especially with regards to front page news.

    Avatar photoMike

    It is now possible to register an account with TWW using your FB details.

    Avatar photoMike

    And Twitter

    Avatar photoMike

    I have changed the default font on the site as there were a few instances of F’s and I’s and L’s not displaying properly, the easy fix was change the font.
    So that is what I did.
    I also changed the menus a bit whilst I was feeling in the mood.

    Avatar photoMike

    Just a reminder, please do post topics on TWW, but only post it once.
    If the same topic is copied and pasted into several forums I will delete them all but one.
    It is a bit spammy, messy and confusing.

    Thank you.

    Avatar photoMike

    It looks there was a problem with the Submit News form.
    It was accepting news and sending out confirmation e-mails but I was not getting the actual news item.
    If you have sent any news in over the last 2 days please do re-send and I will get on it asap.

    Many apologies for this.

    Avatar photoMike

    I am having my Covid19 booster later today, not noteworthy in itself, but all my previous jabs have knocked me out for a short while after, so apologies in advance if I am not around as much for the next day or two.

    Avatar photoMike

    Just a quick but sincere note to say thank you to everyone that supports TWW, be that with content, a subscription, spreading the word, and or a combination.

    Thank you.

    Avatar photoMike

    There is /was ? an issue with some avatar images not displaying, it seemed for the most part to be limited when the site was viewed on a mobile device.
    I am not sure how this came about but deleting and re-uploading it seems to have worked.
    I have just had a quick scan of the most recent topics and deleted and re-uploaded 20 + avatars of various people.
    If you find that your avatar is not showing, try the above, if that fails, drop me an e-mail with your avatar and I will have a go.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Avatar photoMike

    There may be slight delays in the posting of news and replying to emails due to me having covid 19. I don’t feel terrible but I seem to like sleeping a lot, so apologies for any delays over the next few days.

    Avatar photoMike

    Mostly better, fingers crossed and I should be able to stay awake all day from now on, so normal service should be resumed from Monday.

    Avatar photoMike

    On this day 8 years ago TWW was launched.

    Avatar photoMike


    For the last few weeks TWW was loading between 0.5 and 1 seconds faster on average.
    I had removed a plugin that was quite intensive but stopped spammers and bots from registering, however they are finding their way back in so I have reactivated the plugin, alas this may mean a slightly longer loading time.

    Sorry, but I feel it is worth it.

    Avatar photoMike

    How busy is TWW? Here are some rough stats about it: TWW gets about 3300 unique visitors a month. TWW gets about 2200 visits per day, this is about 66,000 visits per month. Looking at the period specific forums (so not things like the terrain or general forum) we have about 3200 historical topics and about 1100 fantasy/sci-fi making the ratio of historical vs non historical roughly 3:1 Plus about 700 general topics. Thank you very much to everyone that is part of this community, and I hope to see us grow bigger and better together.

    ——– ——————— ————————– ———————– —————————

    It has been a while since I shared any stats here, not really what TWW is about, but this is interesting…

    Has some other site closed or something?


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