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    Another run at Norm’s simple scenario with these new rules is here.


    It's never too late to have a happy childhood

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    The last test of this scenario is here.

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Interesting run through again Vincent.

    I like the look of some facets of the game but I hate the ‘fate’ card thing.

    The two battalion charge on the village by the Prussians to evict the French being foiled by a fate card really grinds. If they failed an initiative test or a fate card was randomly drawn every turn I might feel more accepting of the failure but the idea that the French player can save this card and play it as a magic spell at the time of their choosing seems … jolly annoying and unrealistic.

    If you want to introduce ‘friction’ in this sort of manner (which feels far to neat for the side playing the card – no friction there) then it should have a chance of blow back. Say the French play the confusion card they have saved, but they have to test for whether it applies to the enemy or to them. If it applies to them, the unit in the town is disordered and mills about in confusion unable to defend itself, looting and pillaging. That may cool their General’s ardour for calling down the vicissitudes of fate!

    Apart from that I like the look of them.

    (By the way, do you have something against Prussians? They always seem to miss a dice roll for artillery or something! Mind you I often miss bits of rules when playing solo so I shouldn’t be picky.)

    Thanks for these posts on the rules.

    Avatar photovtsaogames

    Interesting idea about that fate card. They are drawn every turn but you can hold them. Of course, nothing to stop you making a house rule.


    I have nothing against the Prussians. They are my only army that is all AB figures. But they have been getting the crappy end of the stick in all these tests. Using the V&F point system, they are also greatly out-pointed. Perhaps just because they move second?


    EDIT: I screwed my Prussians again: the fate card doesn’t stop them from activating, it stops them from automatically activating the first brigade. That brigade has to roll, looking for 2+ on a D6. Screwed my boys again.

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood

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