Home Forums Horse and Musket Napoleonic Wars of Eagles and Empires Pre-Publicaion Released

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    Avatar photoBuck Surdu

    I just released Wars of Eagles and Empires(TM) on DriveThru: https://www.drivethrucards.com/product/494736/Wars-of-Eagles-and-Empires-pre-publication

    Wars of Eagles and Empires is a rule set of division-level Napoleonic engagements.  The rules are based on the popular Wars of Ozz system.  The Double Random Activation(TM) system and the Reaction Test mechanic give the rules a bit of an old-school feel with new, streamlined mechanics.  The product consists of three PDF files: the rules book, a scenario book, and the army lists.  The rule book includes rules for creating ad hoc scenarios and solo play.  The scenario book includes many division-level scenarios, which are difficult to find.  These were used in the playtesting of the rules.  The army lists provide a comprehensive listing of unit statistics for the game.

    Avatar photoArthur Harman

    Mr Surdu, I am always interested in new rules for Napoleonic warfare, but I know nothing whatsoever about your Wars of Ozz rules as I very rarely play fantasy games. From your brief description I can deduce that one pdf file must be the rules themselves, the others the scenarios and army lists, but little more than that.

    I should be very grateful for more information about the rules. How many pages do they occupy? What number and type of dice are required? Are alternative movement distances and weapon ranges given for smaller sized figures? Is there a particular basing requirement? Is a QRS provided? Could you explain how your Double Random Activation system works?

    Thanks in anticipation.

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Hello again Arthur. I’m sure Buck will be along shortly but in the meantime he has given some details of the system on TWW, here.


    Avatar photoArthur Harman

    Thanks for that link, Guy. The Double Random Activation sounds rather complicated – I’ll wait to see what Buck Surdu has to say.

    Avatar photoSkip

    Though consider myself a Napoleonic player, have gotten into Wars of Oz at conventions, maybe played 7 games about. At Historicon my game plan fell apart and knew of a Wars of Eagles and Empires so ran to get in.

    Both run on the same principle,  your force is broken into different units, a dice pool is rolled but not assigned yet. Cards are drawn , say red and black and a number. So Black 6 is shown so Black side goes and if any in the dice pool is a 6, Black side player assigns the 6 to a unit and they can move, fire, charge. You could in a dice pool have multiple 6 so that many units can be assigned.  You may have no 6 so you don’t get to move any units. Then Red 6 gets to play what units they can assign a 6 to. The cards are doubled so it’s possible to see double 6 played, could be 1st and last .

    Quite fascinating, got me into Wars of Oz,

    Bad part so far but don’t know if it has to be that all units have the same amount of figures. I am not about to reconfigure my troops, but maybe keep playing at conventions might get the rules.

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