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    Avatar photoMike

    This is the board for posting about things connected to sci-fi wargames.
    Post Apoc, Near Future and of course pew pew lasers.

    EDIT: Please be aware that we now have scale specific boards, please choose the most suitable board for your post from the three available.


    Avatar photoJohn Ross




    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Whoo-hoo! Best, JBR


    Yeah baby!

    Avatar photoMrHarold



    Should we have sub-boards that focus on different scales?

    • Smaller than 6mm
    • 6mm
    • 15mm
    • 28mm
    • Bigger than 28mm

    Or is that crazy talk?


    ClearHorizon Miniatures - 15mm Sci-Fi

    Avatar photoMike

    Well if people use the tags on their posts you can just search for the scale you like.

    That is not a yes or no by the way.

    Avatar photoPaolo Marcenaro

    It’s been like 7-8 years since I posted on a forum,

    but I like the subject matter too much so I registered as soon as I was made aware of this,

    I am into 15mm, mostly near-future kind of stuff,

    hope to see this grow!



    Avatar photoDeveloper Mike

    It’s been like 7-8 years since I posted on a forum,
    but I like the subject matter too much so I registered as soon as I was made aware of this,
    I am into 15mm, mostly near-future kind of stuff,
    hope to see this grow!

    Thank you!
    How did you become aware may I ask?

    Building a better community, one day at a time.

    Avatar photoPaolo Marcenaro

    Through the 15mm Sci-Fi Facebook group.





    Avatar photoArmiesArmy

    Ive been plugging it 🙂

    Avatar photoArmiesArmy



    I think we need sub categories…

    or fixed labels?



    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Just wanted to express my total, whole-hearted support for this effort.  Here’s to it!

    Avatar photoDr.Falkenhayn

    Hi everbody,the Name is Daniel came here through LAF.I’m mostly into Sci-fi,current Projects include Battletech,Hammers Slammers,Stargrunt and Dirtside II




    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Glenn (Sonny)  Wilson, via Lead Adventure Forum (LAF.)


    Past 6 mm/25+ mm SF gamer (although fantasy, VSF, and historical represent most of my miniatures [around 400 Der Kriegspieler dwarf figures which is about 25 – 33%  of my dwarf forces for example] and trending away from 25+ mm in all formats where I can find 15/18 mm figures to replace them and adding 3 mm SF/Historical figures. )

    A fan of Two Hour War Games rules, a fan of In Her Majesty’s Name rules, and looking forward to retiring from US Department of Defense/Intelligence Agency career  on December 31, 2016.  Currently “rationalizing” by downsizing my Areas of Interest (AOIs) in the hobby.  I also make Bead Jewelry for family and close friends.

    Looking forward to this replacing TMP and supplementing LAF.





    Avatar photoPaolo Marcenaro

    Looking forward to this replacing TMP

    Why is that?

    Something did happen to TheMiniaturesPage which I was not aware of?

    Let me know, please.

    Avatar photoNTM

    The whole proliferation the of sub boards thing at TMP was the start of the slippery slope for me so would not like to see it happen here or elsewhere

    Avatar photoMike

    Thanks for joining.
    I just want to clarify, this is intended as forum and gaming news website in its own right.
    Not a version of anything or meant as a replacement of anything.

    If people chose to make this their default site for their hobby then super ace of course!

    So, lasers or railguns?

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Hi eveyone,

    44 year old who likes playing with toys, but where is the harm in that then 🙂

    I would like to see this forum and lead adventure flourish so good luck to both


    Avatar photoAnonymous

    I am trying (after trying it for years, leaving, coming back, and being disappointed again,) not to bash TMP and the Editor (with whom I have personal/style (for lack of a better term <DELETED> ) differences.)


    Been There, got the T-shirt, gave it to Good Will (how ironic an expression in this context,) and removed the book mark from my computer.

    And that is hopefully my last post about TMP.  Ever.


    Rail Guns and Lasers

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Thanks for joining. I just want to clarify, this is intended as forum and gaming news website in its own right. Not a version of anything or meant as a replacement of anything. If people chose to make this their default site for their hobby then super ace of course! So, lasers or railguns?

    I like chocolate, Vanilla, and not Strawberry Ice Cream (no Neapolitan, please,) and I like differing forums for different aspects of the hobby.  I look forward to a focused on the hobby discussion about 3/6/15 (okay some 25+) mm miniatures war games (Figures, Rules, Terrain, etc.,) and not personalities.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    After a bit of a break from scifi, I am coming back into it, though it seems I may be transitioning to 6mm to  a large extent. I think the goal will be 6mm for military actions and 15mm for more character driven stuff.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    After a bit of a break from scifi, I am coming back into it, though it seems I may be transitioning to 6mm to a large extent. I think the goal will be 6mm for military actions and 15mm for more character driven stuff.


    You the man!



    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    I imagined that’d suit you well 🙂

    I was going to reply to your 6mm thread here but for some reason it insists I have to log in, though I’m already logged in.

    I’ll have some pics of your 6mm infantry painted up, though my paint jobs are pretty amateur compared to yours.

    Avatar photoJeff Worley

    Hey all,

    This is Jeff Worley from the 15mm sci fi Facebook page and other forums.  Looking forward to watching the site grow.  Also, much in favor of using tags and not sub-forums.

    Avatar photoguy osborne

    I’m playing deadzone from mantic was a big fan of  necromunda .

    Avatar photomatakishi

    Hopefully this place will grow into a thriving community.

    Avatar photoMike

    Hopefully this place will grow into a thriving community.

    I hope so too, with a little word of mouth here and a little link there…


    Avatar photoEvyn MacDude

    Or is that crazy talk?


    Yes, Crazy Talk….


    Avatar photoCyclopeus

    Hello everyone, I just found the forum through Dropship Horizon.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Hello everyone, I just found the forum through Dropship Horizon.


    I saw the post too, very kind of them.

    I recognize your name also maybe?

    Avatar photoKen Warren

    Here are the Sci-Fi games I play:

    6mm & 15mm: THW’s 5150 Star Army & Battalion Commander, KR16, PMC2640, plus others

    I’m really tempted by the Oddzial Ozmy 3mm SF minis (I have some of their modern ones and I like them). They would be perfect for larger Battalion Commander games.For example:


    Plus, the have some Xenos on the way: http://www.picoarmor.com/pico-products.cfm?id=273&m=8&p=Sci-Fi%20%283%20mm%29%20-%20Alien%20Creatures


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Good man!



    Oh, the 3mm stuff these days is very tempting.
    Just think of the armour and far out terrain you could have!


    Avatar photoKen Warren

    Good man! :D Oh, the 3mm stuff these days is very tempting. Just think of the armour and far out terrain you could have!

    Yes! For $5 you can get 15 tanks/ifvs/APCs/etc. That’s awesome! Very, very tempting.

    Avatar photoMike

    Please be aware that we now have scale specific boards, please choose the most suitable board for your post from the three available.


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