Dont get me wrong, my rules are complete, but where I makes some rules (for lack of a better term) air tight, others I leave with some interpretation. Again this is mainly for INEPTT (International Extraterrestrial Paranormal Tactical Teams), I did this because of the huge variety of weapons, creatures, aliens and agents that can be used. With MPI (Mourir Pour l’Indochine) there are smaller amounts of variance, but some is there. For example, due to the genuine lack of self loading rifles during the Indochina War I don’t include them as a type of Fire team. However I do make it clear that French Marine Commando (who were the only ones in Indochina with any real amount of SLRs) can have a wide variety of weapons and that player research is usually the best answer. From there it is too easy to add in an SLR fire team adjusting the rate of fire somewhere between the regular fire team and the Automatic Rifle Fire team.
Appreciate your thoughts 🙂