Forum Replies Created
If anyone has both GHQ and Baccus tanks could you post a picture to show how they compare in size. Thanks !
teppstaParticipantYou seem to be all set – but with your troops based like that at some point in the future I would give Pickett’s Charge a try. Great game.
teppstaParticipantJohnny Reb 2 – for the crazy cross board charges !
teppstaParticipantPeninsular project using 6mm figures for General d’Armee rules using 15mm basing but with 72 figures per battalion. Call it 1:10-ish.
What you see is 7 French Legere battalions and most of Leval’s German Division:
2 Dutch
2 Baden
1 Hesse-Damstadt
2 Nassau to come but I ran out of steel bases
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Plus 2 Spanish Grenadier battalions
Lots more pics in due course
teppstaParticipantI recently “discovered” Howard’s Hues” which I like very much. Some very nice natural looking colours (especially for horses)
teppstaParticipantEmpress miniatures. Love everything they do especially the ECW range.
teppstaParticipantThanks 🙂
teppstaParticipantHood’s Texas brigade – Blue Moon figures.
teppstaParticipantPaintpig that’s a good point. Are we just seeing the GW generation preferring to play skirmish games rather than big tabletop battles since it is more closely linked to the 40k experience? And I can’t really think of any Ancients skirmish games – they tend to be Horse and Musket or later.
teppstaParticipantMike, if you are building a revolutionary army you may be interested in our Neerwinden game and house rules – although I suspect the troops won’t be dirty enough for you 🙂
It was a very good game.
Hi Mike / Nick
I am really confused about your behaviour. What part of Otto’s post did you find brought to mind a Chinese dictator.
teppstaParticipantI’ll repeat a simple, uncomplicated statement of opinion: opera bouffe isn’t wargaming. Forums are, among other things, venues for opinion and dissent. If you’re troubled by what you are only able to perceive as a caustic response you might want to Google the word “solipsism”.
You might want to Google the words “politeness” and “manners”. Learning how to have an opinion and to express it without being rude to other forum members is all part of growing up, and looking up these words will be an important step on that journey. Good luck.
teppstaParticipantDeluxe is definitely a different beast from the previous versions. It is much more based around the control of units and the mechanism used makes the various nationalities play differently. It’s clever – and worth a go. The rulebook itself is also produced to a much higher standard than previously.
teppstaParticipantGeneral de Brigade gives a good game and the forum provides excellent support. I don’t agree it is especially complex although perhaps that is because I play quite regularly. At the other end of the scale Sharpe Practice is fun too.