First up will be the Carter smokehouse from Mike Randles, which will complete the five buidling Carter home and outbuildings, including the cotton gin.
Closely following this will be Rohrbach Bridge (aka Burnside's Bridge) from Paul Bernardino.
Paul is also working on tents of all types, which many of my customers have requested over the last year.
Finally, to go with our little pack howitzer, we will release a packed howitzer 3 mule team.
Come on you mules
On the worklist for the coming months are:
Tishomingo Hotel – Corinth (Mike)
Chinn House – Manassas (Paul)
H.P. Bottom House – Perryville (Mike)
Dogan House – Manassas (Paul)
It will be a busy holiday season for the staff at Good Ground Miniatures.
Thanks for your business!