The 15mm HADES Ghost Team has been released!
Armed with the most advanced sensor suite and supressed weaponry the Hunter/Ambush Discreet Engagement Section (HADES) Ghost Team is able to execute a wide array of missions covertly.
Each team member also has an advanced, lightweight exo-skeleton system designed to allow for super-human capabilities.
Each team comes with nine figures each with an optional backpack and a choice of three heads.
There is a Command figure, SAW gunner, sniper and six riflemen.
Available now for $8.99 here
Check out an overview video HERE
6 thoughts on “HADES Ghost Team Released”
23/03/2015 at 09:23
Good and Bad.
Good, they are cool.
Bad, not sure I can call my new troops HADES now!
Great minds or something. they deserve to do well sir.
23/03/2015 at 16:27
Hunter/Ambush Discreet Engagement Section 🙂
Took a while on that one…
23/03/2015 at 10:51
They look brilliant! Does anyone know how they scale up with the Darkest Star Spec-Sec figures?
23/03/2015 at 16:27
They should scale up just fine… their miniatures and ours are very similar in style.
23/03/2015 at 18:22
Thanks! Stylistically your range and DS’s do make a good pairing. I have some of the latter range and intend to get around to ordering some of your figures soon. The possibilities for gaming a kind of Shirow-esque quasi-cyberpunk near future setting of spec ops conflicts in 15mm have really been maturing lately. Still not sure what to do for terrain (I’d want buildings to have accessible, detailed interiors for a project like this) but I won’t let that stop me. Some sort of naked-steel-and-concrete underground complex will do in a pinch and be easy enough to build. Or maybe an area of warehouses and hangars (as if at an airfield or some such location) or a shanty town.
For rules, I might use the set that Osprey means to release later this year, modified for 15mm.
24/03/2015 at 03:18
I’d be remiss if I didn’t plug my own Gruntz module, called SpecOps:
And if you do order, don’t forget to use the coupon code 10OFF for 10% off 🙂