There’s been a lot of announcements of late about a funny little show in Sheffield coming up in July called the ‘Joy of Six’.   Yes, a show all about 6mm miniatures.    A lot of you reading this will of course be saying to yourself, ‘So what?   How is that going to help me find the exact Vallejo paint needed to add the highlights on the eyebrows of my 1807 Vistula legion elites’?    You may also have one or more of the following thoughts?

‘6mm? Just too small for me.’  (never quite figured that one out myself…)

‘6mm?  An excuse for poor painting and modelling’.

‘How can you paint/model/see/play games with anything so small?’

‘With such tiny figures, you must, of course, sacrifice any notion of visual or dramatic appeal.’

‘6mm?  Can’t even see them, never mind paint them!’

And don’t try and kid me that you’ve not at least thought one or more of the above!   Well. Here’s the challenge to you.   At the Joy of Six 2016 we are offering FREE entry to anyone who turns up at the door and declares themselves to be a ‘6mm Sceptic’.    Yes, free entry to the show.   Here’s the chance for you to either reinforce your beliefs, or, just maybe get to see what all those wargamers lauding the virtues of the small scale are on about.

Look at this way.   Free entry, and because the trade stands are all carrying 6mm stock only, it’s not going to hurt your wallet by expanding the 40mm/28mm/15mm leadpile.   Food is cheap and wargamer friendly and on-street parking is only £1 for the day.   In return you get a great day out, get to see some magnificent games, pick up some painting and modelling tips, and socialise with your fellow hobbyists.

To put icing on the cake, should you actually change you views and declare yourself to be ‘Reformed 6mm Sceptic’ then you’ll get a discount off your first 6mm purchases from the traders.

As the saying goes, ‘What is there not to like?’


The Joy of Six 2016 will be taking place in the Heartspace at Sheffield Hallam University on July 17th from 10.00am to 4.00pm.   Entry is £3.00 but FREE to all you 6mm sceptics.