Thanks for reading!
I am the owner of Mountain Gremlin Games. Like many stores these days I am re-imagining as a board games cafe. Due to a change in circumstances I left the UK and set-up in Ireland. There are a number of empty retail units here that require more than a little work. Therefore I have decided to run a Kickstarter to open up.
What is a tabletop games cafe?
A social place to play games and grab refreshments like tea, coffee and snacks. You simply walk in or book in advance and pay for the session currently €5. This gives you a drink and access to the games library and/or war-games table and terrain.
The good bit
I am working with Laser Cut Architect (marker of detailed MDF kits) to produce some physical rewards for backers. Ranging from coasters, lockable card & token boxes (really useful) to limited edition scenery pieces. Of course there are free sessions and memberships available to backers too.
Do you want to know more?
So again thanks for reading and for more info please click the link and have a read.
4 thoughts on “Kickstarting The New Store”
06/03/2019 at 13:17
“Also to create a social space where alcohol and other substances are not required to have fun.”
Right on!
06/03/2019 at 14:54
This seems like a slippery slope. If a store isn’t doing well, they just throw up a kickstarter and hope to raise the money to keep them afloat. I’m in the US and was thinking of donating $10. I’m sure if a lot of people did this, the store would reach it’s funding. But what if a store isn’t that great? What if the store has some bad employees that are scaring off customers? In essence, we’re funding a bad store to stay in business. I’m not saying this store is bad. In fact, I have no idea. I’m just thinking about how other stores could abuse this system of staying in business.
06/03/2019 at 15:20
I don’t think this is to prop up a failing store, but to get one opened.
06/03/2019 at 19:22
Do you have a question you would like answered?